Decision details

Biodiversity Net Gain in Greater Manchester

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


  1. That the proposal for the GMCA to be named as the provisional responsible authority for developing a Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Greater Manchester, be approved.


  1. That the work that has been delivered by GMCA to date to ensure Greater Manchester is prepared for mandatory BNG, be noted.


  1. That the delivery of the Greater Manchester BNG `Need and Supply Assessment’ by GM Ecology Unit be supported.


  1. That the pursuit of a range of offsetting options for Greater Manchester be supported and that GMCA works with key stakeholders, including landowners and developers, to continue to develop this understanding.


  1. That the development of a Greater Manchester market for BNG Units including the work that is being delivered by the GM Environment Fund be supported.


  1. That the development of a policy position on biodiversity offsetting as part of the scope of the forthcoming Greater Manchester Local Nature Recovery Strategy be supported.


  1. That authority be delegated to the Portfolio Lead Chief Executive, Green City Region, to prepare and submit a response to the Government BNG consultation in line with the ambitions/issues raised in this paper.

Publication date: 29/03/2022

Date of decision: 25/03/2022

Decided at meeting: 25/03/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Effective from: 05/04/2022

Accompanying Documents: