Decision details

PCC - DA/SV Funding – 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 (amendment)

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire, GM Deputy Mayor, Treasurer GMCA

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The MoJ confirmed allocations to PCCs based on the needs assessment submitted. Following the change in process and PCCs being given responsibility for allocating the funding we have allocated funding based on the priorities we identified for GM.

Successful bids align to these priorities and will enable us to build capability and capacity across the sector and begin to address gaps in service provision and develop partnership approaches to some of the challenges within the system.

GM’s priorities for SV are development of witness centres; supporting capability, capacity and interoperability between services; increasing diversity of support offers; increasing therapeutic support capacity and ; supporting capacity for complex cases.

GM’s priorities for DA are supporting diversity and inclusion and extending accessibility of services through this; stalking and harassment; coordination support and the interconnectivity between domestic abuse and sexual violence support services; supporting a problem solving approach to risk management and; tackling volume demand within the system, including complex repeats.

3-year funding commitments will enable organisations to recruit and retain staff and deliver more sustainable services over the spending review period.


The decision is that:
In March 2022 the Ministry of Justice confirmed that nationally £147m of funding will be committed to over a multi-year period, until the end of 2024/25 for victim services. The multi-year commitment applies to the funding the MoJ provide PCCs to commission local victim support services – namely, £69.1m ‘core’ funding; £27m ringfenced funding for 700 ISVA/IDVA posts; £15.7m ringfenced funding for domestic abuse and sexual violence support services and a further £3.75m for the recruitment of 300 additional IDVA/ISVA posts by 2024/25.

As part of this additional funding PCCS had been required to submit an updated needs assessment in relation to domestic abuse and sexual violence support services. PCCs were required to undertake an expression of interest exercise and submit all bids to the MoJ for decision. However following submission of these there was a change in process and the MoJ confirmed allocation to PCCs based on the needs assessment.

Greater Manchester has been awarded an additional £731,273.47 p.a. for 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25. The way this funding is allocated is a PCC decision, although all activity and the service provider must meet the necessary MoJ criteria, as set out in their original Police and Crime Commissioner Funding Allocation Guidance. Funding is ringfenced for DA and SV services. Organisations were asked to complete an expression of
interest for this funding. These were assessed against the GM priorities and decisions made to fund based on these and how funding would be best used at a GM level to support our ambitions. The priorities were provided to organisations as part of the bidding process.

Funding will be allocated as follows:

Organisation and funding 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 Total 3-year commitment
Survivors Manchester – SV comms and engagement post (separate decision notice for detail)
Revised £22,000 (previous £7,000) The additional £15,000 will come out of the funding allocated to comms and engagement (£125,273.47) and is required due to associated on costs and the rise in the cost of living. This will cover 3 financial years (2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25).
£32,000 £34,000 £88,000 *£15k out of funding allocated to comms / website development
CAHN £30,000 £32,000 £34,000 £96,000
Olive Pathway £30,000 £32,000 £34,000 £96,000
Development of witness suites - Survivors Lead Provider on behalf of other including but not exclusive to CAHN (Caribbean & African Health Network)
GM Rape Crisis
MASH (Manchester Action on Street Health)
Fortalice £60,000 £62,000 £64,000 £186,000
Additional funding into the multi-crime gateway service (Victim support currently but the provider in future will be successful bidder through the recommissioning process) –additional DA/SV IVAS and CYP Programme Manager £75,000 £175,000 £175,000 £425,000
Victim multi-crime service communications / website redevelopment

£15,000 of this total amount will be allocated to Survivors Manchester (in the first line) with a figure of £110,273.47 for wider comms / website redevelopment. £0 £0 £110,273.47 *£15k allocated to Survivors and included in overall total above GM Rape Crisis and The Pankhurst Trust (MWA) – developing therapeutic support offer
£100,000 £102,000 £104,000 £306,000
MASIP / Stalking and harassment – lead provider The Pankhurst Trust (MWA) £70,000 £72,000 £74,000 £216,000
Independent Choices / Safety for Sisters – case work NRPF
£78,000 £80,000 £82,000 £240,000
Fort Alice (ISVA)
£40,000 £42,000 £44,000 £126,000
Pankhurst Trust (MWA) Sexual Violence Harm Reduction Post
£31,000 £33,000 £35,000 £99,000
Stockport without Abuse (Male victims’ worker)
£25,000 £34,000 £36,000 £95,000
Advocacy after Fatal Domestic Abuse (AAFDA)
£25,000 £27,000 £29,000 £81,000
WaiYin £35,000 £37,000 £39,000 £111,000


All funding to organisations will be covered by a grant agreement. Monitoring takes place on a bi-annual basis through MoJ monitoring returns. We will also provide general oversight of funding and impact of this through the Sexual Violence Harm Reduction Group and the Victims Reassurance and Resilience Forum.

Publication date: 10/10/2022

Date of decision: 06/10/2022