Decision details

PCC DN - Permission to award contracts for Resident and Victim Perceptions of Policing and Community Safety

Decision Maker: Director for Safer and Stronger Communities, GM Deputy Mayor, Group Finance Officer

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The contract to provide the Policing and Community Safety Survey commenced on 1st February 2019 and is currently in the plus one-year extension, that runs to the end of April 2023.

It is not possible to extend the existing contract further and it was agreed that the survey will be re-commissioned, informed by a stakeholder engagement process, with a view to the new contract starting to allow an overlap between the current and new provider for the Policing and Community Safety survey, to prevent a discontinuity in the survey.

The contract to undertake the Victim Survey with the same provider ended in March 2022.

An extensive stakeholder consultation process, overseen by a multi-agency survey management group, was completed in September 2022 and reported to the Deputy Mayor. The engagement process took place over the July, August and early September 2022 with organisations as below:
• Extended Leadership network
• Police, Fire and Crime team
• Comms (GMS)
• Research team
• Older People
• Fire
• Strategy Team (linked to devolution trailblazer work)
• TfGM
• District Community Safety Managers and data staff
• Victim Resilience Forum

The purpose of the engagement process:
• Determine what other survey work is being undertaken or is planned to be undertaken that may relate to policing and community safety or victim satisfaction
• Identify any gaps and duplication in the current survey approach
• Identify opportunities for sharing survey results and benchmarking with other regions.

The engagement process informed the decision to commission three ‘lots’ and the rationale for this decision is set out in the attached decision notice which was approved in October 2022.

The advertisement for the three lots was placed on The Chest on the 27th October 2022, closing on the 23rd November 2022.

3 bids were received for each ‘lot’ and following evaluation, DJS Research Ltd scored highest for each lot (applied for all three).


Following a compliant procurement process a provider has been identified for each of the 3 lots as outlined below:

Lot 1 – Policing and Community Safety survey - DJS Research Ltd

£200,000 per annum envelope

Tender price: £190,000 per annum
Contract length: 3 years (option to extend for 1 year plus 1 year)
Total: £950,000 over five years

Lot 2 – Victim survey - DJS Research Ltd
(including the development and testing of several different approaches to tracking and assessing the experiences and perceptions of victims).

£200,000 - £240,000 per annum envelope to be made available to cover the development of a product range and ongoing fieldwork.

Tender price: £211,000 year 1 and £215,000 is each of the subsequent years.
Contract length:1 year for development, testing, fieldwork and reporting, 2 years for ongoing fieldwork and reporting with the option to extend for a further 1 year plus 1 year.

Total: £1,071,000 over five years

Lot 3 – Bespoke Analysis – DJS Research Ltd
(to provide a number of research days/ to undertake in-depth analysis using data from the policing and community safety and victim surveys).

£50,000 per annum envelope

Tender Price: £44,800
Contract length: 3 years (option to extend for 1 year plus 1 year)
Total - £224,000 over five years

Publication date: 27/02/2023

Date of decision: 13/01/2023