Decision details

PCC DN - Fallowfield LOOP - funded from Home Office Safer Streets Fund – Round 4 2022/23 and 2023/24

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire, GM Deputy Mayor, Treasurer GMCA

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The ‘Safer Streets’ fund is a Home Office fund that allows Police and Crime Commissioners and Local Authorities to apply for funding for crime prevention plans.

Greater Manchester’s successful partnership bid, submitted by GMCA, GMP, Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM), Manchester City Council and Sustrans will be used to deploy and test several interventions on the urban cycleway to reduce incidents of ASB, neighbourhood crime and raise perceptions of safety of users of the Fallowfield Loop and Yellow Brick Road.

The Fallowfield Loop (FLoop) is an off-road cycle and pedestrian path built on a former railway line that runs from Chorlton-cum-Hardy through Fallowfield and Levenshulme to Gorton and Fairfield in Manchester. It is part of the National Cycle Network (maintained by Sustrans). At 8 miles long, the FLoop is thought to be the longest urban cycleway in Britain.

In February 2022 GMP undertook a Crime Impact Statement (CIS) for the FLoop, identifying the extent of crime and type of crime being committed along the length of the FLoop.

In 2020 and 2021, Manchester City Council held two large scale consultations on the FLoop, supported by the Friends of Fallowfield Loop community group. This consultation was aimed at creating a safe, convenient, efficient, and accessible cycling and walking network that will help encourage greater and more widespread sustainable travel use by making the route safer and reduce anti-social behaviour.

The 2020 consultation received over 5200 individual responses, with respondents naming the top priority to address personal safety and anti-social behaviour on the FLoop and to revitalise the existing landscape to create a more open and less intimidating environment for users that helps to eliminate the public perception of the route being unsafe to travel along because of issues relating to crime and anti-social behaviour.

The Safer Streets Fund, in conjunction with match funding and match resourcing from Manchester City Council, TfGM and Sustrans will help towards the delivery of interventions to address the priorities identified in the consultation.


The Deputy Mayor will use the £453,080 awarded to Greater Manchester through the Home Office’s Safer Streets Fund (Round 4) to fund a number of interventions and programmes to reduce acquisitive crime, ASB and improve perceptions of safety on the Fallowfield Loop and Yellow Brick Road cycle ways that run through South and East Manchester.

This funding will be devolved to Manchester City Council, GMP and TfGM and Station South. Grant Agreements will be developed

Publication date: 27/02/2023

Date of decision: 20/01/2023