Decision Maker: Director for Safer and Stronger Communities
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
One of the key objectives of the VRU
communications strategy is to raise awareness of how Greater
Manchester Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) is working together with
partners and the community to address serious violence and its
underlying causes. This project is a partnership between the VRU
and NAS, which aims to prevent exploitation amongst a specific
group of young people
The VRU awards £7,800 to the National
Autistic Society (NAS) to produce a video related to the
exploitation of young people who are autistic. The video will
consist of a combination of animation (video game style) and
talking heads of stakeholders from GM, as well as parental, lived
experience and young persons’ voice.
The NAS will use the video as a tool to communicate with their
Publication date: 27/02/2023
Date of decision: 20/01/2023