Decision details

PCC DN - StreetDoctors app based learning

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The reasons for the decision are:
In 2021/22 – GM VRU and Merseyside VRP worked in partnership with StreetDoctors to develop an app-based version of the StreetDoctors lifesaver programme. (Usually delivered face to face in schools but with cost / resource and logistical implications). The app has been tested with learners and teachers in various educational settings and is now ready for roll out. Access per pupil to the app-based modules (a log in) will be £15 (charged by StreetDoctors), and it was always agreed that StreetDoctors would hold the rights and eventually license the product.
As both GM and Merseyside helped to develop this product, we have been given access per pupil of £5, and also 400 free access per area.
Our Navigators have been helping to facilitate the testing of the product (utilising 1 log in for group session), and there is a keen interest from schools / colleges / Princes Trust to deliver this app-based training.
Antony Edkins has agreed to support the roll out with £20,000 from the 2022/23 budget, to further engage educational establishments in the awareness and prevention of violence. This will provide us with a total of 4400 log ins, with no expiry.
We ae now considering how mental health first aid might be developed and delivered in a similar way.


A 2022/23 budget allocation of £20,000 - VRU (Education) budget to fund the StreetDoctors app based learning.

Publication date: 12/05/2023

Date of decision: 23/03/2023