Decision details

PCC DN - 12 month extension MoJ Victims Core Grant funding (tier 2 victims services)

Decision Maker: Director for Safer and Stronger Communities, GM Deputy Mayor, Group Monitoring Officer

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The recommissioning of the GM Victims’ Service commenced in 2022 and it was expected that a new gate-way service would be in place by December 2022. However, this was further delayed with a new service now due to be in place by July 2023.

Extending support services underpinning this to align with this and whilst the review of the Tier 2 services takes place is crucial whilst this commissioning exercise is underway. This will maintain stability across the sector and continue to provide essential support to victims in GM.


The Victim Services Strategic Review continues to take place. The multi crime Victim Service is now out for tender and a new service is expected to be in place by 1st July 2023. This has delayed the review of services underpinning this and commissioning decisions around where we allocate funding in future.

An expression of Interest will be undertaken to appoint someone to review the Tier 2 services, therefore to allow adequate time to undertake the review and communicate this to services and partners we are recommending that the services we currently fund are extended for a further 12 months. An outline proposal for future funding and procurement will be developed by autumn 2023.

It is recommended that the following services, currently grant funded by GMCA, are extended for a further 12 months (1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024) to align with this process.

The services included in the 12-month extension are:

• Manchester Action on Street Health (MASH) - £49,012
• Survivors Manchester - £81,952
• Trafford Rape Crisis - £22,500
• Greater Manchester Rape Crisis - £22,500
• Local Authority IDVA service provision - £420,000 across 10 local authorities (Manchester 60k, all other local authorities £40k)
• LGBT IDVA (Manchester City Council for commissioning the LGBT Foundation) - £29,593
• Guardian Project - £49,000
• Community Safety Trust (CST) - £28,116
• Greater Manchester Domestic Abuse Helpline Service (Independent Choices) – £30,000
• LGBT Hate Crime Service (LGBT Foundation) - £29,580
• City Hearts – Trafficking Support Service - £20,000

Total funding of £703,660 via the MOJ Victims Budget for 2023/24.

Total funding to be approved - £703,660

Publication date: 03/07/2023

Date of decision: 26/05/2023