Decision Maker: Director for Safer and Stronger Communities
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The reasons for the decision are:
The National Anti-Corruption and Abuse Reporting Service has been
commissioned nationally on behalf of the police service. It is
being supported by the National Police Chief’s Council and
will be implemented by Greater Manchester Police upon go-live in
early 2024.
The reporting service gives members of the public a way to report
information about a police officer or a member of police staff who
they believe are taking advantage of their role or abusing their
position of trust.
The service is run by the charity Crimestoppers, providing an
anonymous and confidential reporting option, independent of the
police service. When people contact the service, they can choose to
remain 100% anonymous, or can opt to leave their details if they
are willing for the force investigation team to contact them
To provide funding of £8,223.71 in
2024/25 in support of a new national Anti-Corruption and Abuse
Reporting Service, operated by Crimestoppers. This represents 50%
match funding with GMP.
In addition, to agree in principle, to the provision of funding of
£7,122.65 in 2025/26, 2026/27 and 2027/28, matched funded by
Total funding £29,591.66
Publication date: 09/05/2024
Date of decision: 13/03/2024