Decision details

PCC DN - Provision of IT audit services for PCC statutory requirements.

Decision Maker: Director for Safer and Stronger Communities, GM Deputy Mayor, Group Finance Officer

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The contract is for the provision of IT Internal Audit Services. This is part of a wider IT Audit contract that is in place for GMCA and TfGM which has been awarded through a competitive tender process using GMCA procurement processes. The service compliments the in-house GMP/PCC Internal Audit provision and is vital to ensure that audits of key risks pertaining to technology/cyber risk are undertaken by suitably qualified and experienced internal audit professionals.


MIAA provide IT audit services to TfGM, and GMCA through a recently commissioned single contract.

The sum of £21750 per annum is for the provision of IT Audit Services associated with the statutory requirements of the PCC.

The charge is based on 50 days work @ £435 / day (per annum) and will be for a period of 3 years with the option to extend for a further 12 months.

Total Value: £65,250

Publication date: 09/05/2024

Date of decision: 19/04/2024