Decision details

Transport Infrastructure Pipeline Report

Decision Maker: Bee Network Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


1.      That the current position, recent progress and key milestones on the transport infrastructure pipeline be noted.

2.      That the submission of the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) Annual Report 2023-24 and updated Delivery Plan be approved.

3.      That the drawdown of CRSTS funding and associated scheme progression be approved as follows:

·        Rochdale: Middleton Streets for All Phase 1: £0.7m;

·        Integrated Ticketing and Travel Information :Full Business Case and £7.3m;

·        Bus Franchising IS and Ticketing System Assets: £25.0m;

·        Improving Journeys -  Orbital Bus Routes: Initial phased delivery of Rochdale – Oldham – Ashton (Rochdale elements): £2.1m, subject to TfGM’s approval of the Outline Business Case in August 2024;


4.      That the drawdown of £0.5m of GM match contribution to Network Rail Control Period (CP) 7 funding for Access for All (AfA) be approved;.


5.      That the drawdown of funding from the Mayor’s Challenge Fund (MCF) be approved as follows:

·        Trafford Seymour Grove Phase 1: £4.99m (CRSTS funding through the MCF programme);

·        Wigan Leigh St Helens Road: £2.17m (CRSTS funding through the MCF programme);

·        Wigan Standish Western Route: £1.99m (CRSTS funding through the MCF programme);

6.      Wigan Whelley Loop Line: £1.31m (CRSTS funding through the MCF programme).

Publication date: 30/09/2024

Date of decision: 25/07/2024

Decided at meeting: 25/07/2024 - Bee Network Committee

Accompanying Documents: