Decision details

Young Person's Guarantee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


1.                  That the report and final project report be noted.


2.         That the further development of the Young Person's Guarantee into a set of actions with Key Performance Indicators be agreed, covering:


                         I.    Staff resource capacity to develop the scope of the actions and recommendations (from the final project report attached) within the context of the city-region; across partners, business & LAs. This will sit in the GMCA (W&S Team) and work across all areas within the recommendations to act as a connecter to develop the work.


                       II.    Exploration of additional resource requirements to deliver the recommendations in the final project report and where this is within current budgets or where there are gaps; also what can be taken forward at no cost.


                     III.     Accountability process retaining Diane Modahl as Chair of the Young Persons Guarantee, including the engagement of the GM Youth Combined Authority.


                     IV.    Evaluation of what has been successful: Have we reached Young People…One year on.


2.                  3.         That the GMCA commit to action in localities by supporting the generation of further commitments that will be published on the GM Apprenticeships & Careers Service.


4.       That the extension of the Our Pass Pilot for further year, from 1 September 2021, be approved.


5.       That a further report be submitted to the GMCA on progress against the developed Key Performance Indicators.


6.    That it be noted that the GMCA would continue to make further representations to Government in the New Year regarding the fair allocation of examination grades for current Year 11 and Year 13 pupils in recognition of the time spent out of the classroom during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Publication date: 22/12/2020

Date of decision: 18/12/2020

Decided at meeting: 18/12/2020 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Accompanying Documents: