Decision details


Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


1.        That the discussions taking place between cricketing organisations, districts and the GMCA be noted.


2.        That the scope of the action plan, and what will be achieved by the proposed GM wide partnership with ECB be noted.


3.        That the request for £600k of funding to be sourced from retained business rates over three years to support the actions outlined in paragraph 4.3 of the report, subject to an agreement between three districts and the ECB to develop three Urban Cricket Centres across GM be approved.


4.        That authority be delegated to the GMCA Monitoring Officer and Treasurer to complete all necessary legal agreements.


Publication date: 01/10/2019

Date of decision: 27/09/2019

Decided at meeting: 27/09/2019 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Effective from: 09/10/2019

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