Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire, GM Deputy Mayor, Treasurer GMCA
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Deputy Mayor for Police, Crime, Criminal
Justice and Fire has a responsibility to provide services for
victims of crime, including victims of rape and sexual
The amount to be invested is a provisional figure for 22-23 to
enable payments to be made to the provider whilst final contract
value negotiations are concluded. This forms part of the strategic
financial review that GMCA and GMHSCP have been undertaking for
services that support victims of rape and sexual offences. Any
further funding required will be the subject of a separate decision
This budget is allocated to the Greater Manchester Sexual Assault
Referral Centre, based at the St Mary’s Centre at Manchester
Foundation Trust. The provision is an all-age service which
provides support for victims of rape or sexual assault in terms of
a forensic examination and crisis support, support for people going
through the criminal justice process and therapeutic/counselling
support. The service can be accessed by a referral from an agency,
including but not exclusive to Greater Manchester Police, or
victims can also choose to self-refer. The service currently
supports anybody who lives in Greater Manchester in addition to
providing support for individuals who were assaulted in Greater
Manchester, but do not reside in the area.
There were just over 11,000 sexual offences reported to GMP in
2021-2022, of which 36% were rape. 55% of these offences were
committed against adults whilst over 5000 sexual offences were
committed against children. This included 1400 offences which were
rape against a child. Approximately 950 forensic medical
examinations are undertaken by SARC each year
Attached is a statement from colleagues at NHS Integrated Health
Trust around the selection of St Mary’s as the Greater
Manchester SARC.
Progress towards agreeing a full Service specification for SARC and
Implementing a 3 year contract
Over the course of 2022/23 we have been working with SARC to both
document the service provision with the associated costings, and
also outline the service needs to improve operational delivery to
meet demand. This is with a view to move to an agreed position over
a fixed rate contract until 2026.
In order to progress this work, we have been documenting SARCs
services based on the segregation of the service into the below 4
1. Forensic medical examinations for adults
2. Forensic medical examinations for children / young persons
3. ISVA provision
4. Therapeutic counselling support
We have moved to a position where we are on the verge of agreeing
the service specification for pillars 1 and 2 and 3. Once we have
finalised this work, a contract will be drawn up to cover 3 years
and will be in place for financial year 2023/24
Pillar 4 The Therapeutic counselling support has inherent
complications as demand has stripped capacity at SARC. We will seek
procurement advice on meeting commercial compliance regulations
with any agreed way forward for this work.
To allocate a funding envelope of
£1,950,000 to St Mary’s SARC for the provision of
support services to victims of rape and serious sexual offences to
cover the period of 1st April 2022-March 31st, 2023.This covers the
quarterly contract payments for the service incorporating the main
staffing costs with overheads, ISVA provision and therapeutic
support, and also minor elements of overlapping costs of the
Forensic Medical Examinations.
The SARC service is jointly funded by the Greater Manchester Health
and Social Care Partnership on a 50/50 basis and as such, the
amount indicated above is the total SARC budget. The GMCA
contribution is half of this. (£975k).
It is important to note that actual costs for the SARC service for
2022-23 are still being finalised. This decision notice has been
estimated to cover expected costs, however with some shortfall
possible. This will be funded by reserves where necessary.
Publication date: 09/03/2023
Date of decision: 08/03/2023