Issue - meetings

Appointments to outside bodies

Meeting: 27/07/2023 - Bee Network Committee (Item 7.)


1. To appoint five members to the Greater Manchester Accessible Transport Board.


2. To appoint one member to the GM Green City Region Partnership.

Additional documents:


1.      That Councillors Tracy Rawlins, Phil Burke, David Meller, Sean Fielding and Dan Costello be appointed to the Greater Manchester Accessible Transport Board.


2.      That Mike McCusker be appointed to the Green City Region Partnership.

Meeting: 17/06/2022 - Greater Manchester Transport Committee (Item 8.)

Appointments to outside bodies

1. To appoint five members to the Greater Manchester Accessible Transport Board. 2. To appoint one member to the GM Green City Region Partnership.

Additional documents:


  1. That Councillors Burke, Jones, Aldred, Hassan and Dickinson be appointed to the Grater Manchester Accessible Transport Board.


  1. That the appointment of one member to the Green City Region Partnership be deferred until the next meeting.