Issue - meetings

DLUHC In-Year Capital Investments

Meeting: 24/03/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority (Item 22.)

22. In Year Capital Allocation, Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (key Decision) pdf icon PDF 594 KB

Report of Councillor David Molyneux, Portfolio Lead for Resources & Investment.

Additional documents:


1.      That the proposed investments from the £20m DLUHC allocation and delegation of final sign off to the GMCA Treasurer be approved.


2.      That it be noted that the report was exempt from Scrutiny Committee call-in procedures to enable the allocation of the funds before the 31 March 2023.


3.       That approval be given to the purchase of the land required for the E-Depot for a consideration of £10.5m. This will be funded from the £7.5m grant allocation together with borrowing of £3m which will be funded as part of the overall bus reform business case.


4.       That the changes to the GMCA capital programme to reflect the above decisions be approved.