28B Electric Vehicles Charging Infrastructure Delivery (key Decision) PDF 803 KB
Report of Deputy Mayor, Paul Dennett.
Additional documents:
1. That the study recommendations summarised in the report and included in full at Appendix 1 be noted.
2. That approval be granted for the draw-down of £200,000 of CRSTS funding to support EVCI delivery.
3. That approval be granted for the draw-down of £750,000 of CRSTS funding for TfGM to support EVCI charging at Travel Hubs throughout the conurbation.
4. That the funding distribution model, as set out at Appendix 2 be endorsed, noting that requests for EVCI delivery funding will be brought to GMCA in line with the agreed CRSTS drawdown process, and only where it can be shown it helps deliver charging in underserved or otherwise uncommercial areas as part of a commercial deal with a Charge Point Operator (CPO) partner.
5. That it be noted that the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) have launched the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Fund (LEVI) to deliver a step change in the deployment of local infrastructure across England.
6. That it be noted that Greater Manchester Combined Authority's capability funding allocation for the LEVI scheme in 22/23 is £259,200.
7. That the updates to the GM Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy, as outlined in Section 4 be approved.