Issue - meetings

UKSPF E19: Increasing Investment in Research and Development at the Local Level

Meeting: 30/06/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority (Item 18.)

18. UKSPF E19: Increasing Investment in Research and Development at the Local Level pdf icon PDF 477 KB

Report of Councillor David Molyneux, Portfolio Leader for Resources & Investment


Additional documents:


1.  That the recommendations of the GM UKSPF Local Partnership Board on the strategic fit and deliverability of the UKSPF proposal E19, to “Increase investment in research and development at the local level" be approved.


2.  That authority be delegated to the GMCA Treasurer, in consultation with the Portfolio Leader for the Economy, Business and Inclusive Growth and Portfolio Leader for Resources & Investment, to agree the allocation method and subsequent award of contracts worth £5,775,000.