Issue - meetings

Domestic Local Energy Advice Demonstrator Project

Meeting: 28/07/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority (Item 13.)

13. Domestic Local Energy Advice Demonstrator Project pdf icon PDF 252 KB

Report of Councillor Tom Ross, Portfolio Lead for Green City Region.

Additional documents:


1.                    That the forthcoming opportunity presented by the LEAD funding be noted.


2.            That the proposed approach, with the GMCA acting as the accountable body for the LEAD programme, be approved.


3.            That authority be delegatedto GMCA Treasurer and GMCA Solicitor & Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Lead Portfolio Lead for Green City Region to

·         Sign a grant funding agreement with the DESNZ to receive grant funding for a GM LEAD project up to £2.14m.

·         Expend the awarded grant funds by defrayed agreements via the funding partners i.e., 3 Local Authorities, 2 Social Enterprises, 2 private business and a cooperative.