11. Greater Manchester Children & Young People's Programme Update PDF 229 KB
Report of Councillor Mark Hunter, Portfolio Lead for Children and Young People.
Additional documents:
2. That the positive progress towards the establishment of the Greater Manchester Fostering Hub, to be hosted by Rochdale Council, as part of the national Fostering pathfinder, supported by the announcement of a further allocation of funding from DfE to support communications activity over the next 12 months, be noted.
3. That funding of up to £5m be allocated to acquire properties to be used for Project Skyline. The selection of properties will be determined by the Skyline Board and recommended to the GMCA for acquisition.
4. That authority be delegated to the GMCA Treasurer and GMCA Solicitor & Monitoring Officer to review and agree the due diligence information and the overall detailed commercial terms of the acquisitions, to sign off any conditions, issue final approvals and complete any documentation in respect of the property acquisitions on behalf of the GMCA, as recommended by the Skyline Board.
5. That authority be delegated to the GMCA Treasurer and GMCA Solicitor & Monitoring Officer to review, agree the content, and sign the Partnership Agreement on behalf of GMCA, noting that GMCA’s role is one of convener, funder, owner and landlord of the properties acquired.
6. That approval be given for the GMCA to take the lead role in procuring the contract on behalf of the 10 districts but that one of the 10 LAs is named in the contract as the lead Authority and is provided as part of the partnership arrangements with resources to manage the contract on an ongoing basis on behalf of the 10. That it be noted that contract management will have resource implications which will need to be shared across Local Authorities.
7. That the current consultation process underway with Locality Boards across Greater Manchester in relation to the development of the ‘Giving every child and young person the best start in life’ part of the GM Integrated Care Partnership Joint Forward Plan, be noted.