5. Bee Network Performance PDF 498 KB
Report of Alex Cropper, Chief Network Officer, TfGM
Additional documents:
1. That the performance of Greater Manchester’s Transport Network be noted.
2. That the additional vehicles being introduced to strengthen and improve the performance of services in the Tranche 1 area be noted.
3. That the improvements being made to the Bee Network App be noted.
4. That the Metrolink maintenance and renewals works planned to take place over the next quarter be noted.
5. That plans to introduce the TravelSafe Live Chat function through the Bee Network app, that would allow users to discreetly report a crime or antisocial behaviour and connect them with Greater Manchester Police in real time be noted.
6. That the opening of Stockport Interchange – a state-of-the-art facility and community park that serves as a model of GM integration - with active travel links, Metrolink capacity and connections to the rail station be noted.
7. That it be noted that the outline business case to DfT on the proposals for a new rail station at Golborne had been submitted. This follows a public consultation on proposals for the station, which received almost 3,000 responses, with 93% in support.
8. That it be noted that the Committee were supportive of the motion agreed at TfN Board held on 20.03.2024 to issue statutory advice to the Secretary of State to cancel Avanti’s contract at the earliest possible opportunity, with the state-owned operator of last resort (OLR) taking on responsibility in the short term.
9. That it be noted that the Rapid Transit Strategy would be brought to a future meeting.