11. Business Plan for the Integrated Water Management Plan to 31 March 2025. PDF 413 KB
Report of City Mayor, Paul Dennett, Portfolio Lead for Housing First and Councillor Tom Ross, Portfolio Lead for Green City Region.
Additional documents:
1. That the Business Plan for the Integrated Water Management Plan to 31 March 25 (Annex A) be approved.
2. That the existing budget allocation 2024-2026 be noted.
3. That the national announcements be noted, as contained with paragraph 1.12-1.13 of the report be noted
4. That the progress and outputs from the 1st Annual Business Plan, as contained within paragraphs 2.1–2.2 of the report be noted.
5. That the verbal update received from the Environment Agency be received.
6. That the verbal update received from United Utilities on the Integrated Water Management Plan and the work taking place to address ongoing sewage overflow issues be received.
7. That closer integration of blue light services into the Integrated Water Management Plans be progressed.
8. That closer integration with neighbouring authorities be progressed on cross boundary issues, including the future management of assets such as reservoirs, which have a direct impact on Greater Manchester.
9. That a report on the potential pipeline for investment be submitted to a future meeting of the GMCA.