Issue - meetings

Electromobility in Greater Manchester

Meeting: 26/09/2024 - Bee Network Committee (Item 5.)

5. Electromobility: Zero Emission Travel pdf icon PDF 433 KB

A report of Martin Lax, Transport Strategy Director, TfGM.

Additional documents:


1.   That the current progress relating to electromobility in the GM region be noted.

2.   That it be noted that forecast growth and demand for charging infrastructure will be used to inform the emerging Local Transport Plan.

3.   That the introduction of an indicator which will track GM’s progress in facilitating charging for households without off-street parking be endorsed.

4.   That the introduction of a zero-emission journey tracker be endorsed,

5.   That the update on the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure programmes of work be noted.

6.   That committee members be provided with details of contacts within their own authorities collating site details for potential LEVI funding.

7.  That the rates for GM owned charging assets be shared with members.