Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/07/2019 - Greater Manchester Housing Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 167)


Presentation of Steve Fyfe, Head of Housing Strategy, GMCA


Steve Fyfe, Head of Housing Strategy, GMCA delivered a presentation to the Committee summarising  Government housing funding programmes: The slides were subsequently circulated to Committee Members, and are available on the GMCA website with the other papers for this meeting.


Members provided the following comments and questions:


A Member enquired whether the Small Sites fund and Land Assembly Funds assist in building on land that is currently unused (such as Brownfield which could help assist district take-up quota) and clarity on the criteria for the application process.


It was clarified that this is the case, and that the Small Sites is grant funding which should assist in bringing forward smaller brownfield sites around GM. This funding can be applied for by council officers contacting Homes England with a final deadline of March 2021.


In terms of the 150 units in 40 sites, the question was asked if Members are entitled to know where these are located.


In response, it was confirmed that the schemes are approved by the Combined Authority, and that a list could be provided to Members of this Committee of the 40 sites.


A Member queried whether the GM Housing Investment Loan Fund is ring fenced for affordable schemes only in GM 


It was clarified that this is not aimed at affordable schemes only, with the intention of the scheme to speed up housing delivery in general. The affordability housing element is determined by the district that the scheme is in.  Each scheme needs to conform with or exceed the affordable home requirement of that local authority.




1.       That the presentation be noted.

2.       That the information in relation to sites be provided for the committee