Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/09/2019 - Greater Manchester Corporate Issues & Reform Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2021/22 (Item 22)


(if any) at the discretion of the chair


The Chair reminded Members that a number of their annual GMCA Register of Interest Form’s were still outstanding.


Members were advised that moving forwards the GMCA would be publishing its meeting papers via, enabling a paperless and more modern approach. The Chair reminded Members to provide the device information requested as soon as possible so that they can be issued with a username and password.


It was noted that up to six Members of the Committee attended a budget training on 13 August 2019, which was hosted by Richard Paver, GMCA Treasurer. The session focussed on helping Members better scrutinise the budget setting process and was well received. The Committee considered whether they could benefit from a further training session in advance of the budget setting process, in particularly for those who were unable to attend. It was agreed that Officers would seek to identify a further date to be held prior to a future committee meeting (in October or November at 5-6pm)


The Chair informed the Committee that the Scrutiny Chairs had recently met with the Mayor to consider how the scrutiny committees could make a meaningful impact. As a result, it was recommended that the committees should, as appropriate, make recommendations formerly to the GMCA and request feedback. It was also agreed that the committees should consider developing a small number of focussed scrutiny working groups,  to address cross cutting themes such as bus reform. It was noted that as the groups were developed, they would be communicated to Members.




1.      That Members provide the device information requested to support the roll out of


2.      That Officers consult with Members and officers on developing a further budget training session (in October or November, 5-6pm).