Venue: Council Chamber, Bolton Town Hall, Victoria Square, Bolton, BL1 1RU (Access via Albert’s Hall entrance)
Contact: Governance and Scrutiny Tel: 0161 778 7009
No. | Item |
Apologies Additional documents: Decision: That apologies be received from Steve Rumbelow (Rochdale), Councillor Nadim Muslim (Chair of GM Overview & Scrutiny Committee), Dame Sarah Storey (GM Active Travel Commissioner) & Warren Escadale (Chair of GM VCSFE Leadership Group). |
Chairs Announcements and Urgent Business Additional documents: Decision:
That an update on the announcement of £10 million of support from government in the form of an inactivity trailblazer, and how this in turn will support the region’s Live Well plan be received. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 106 KB To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer at the start of the meeting.
Additional documents: Decision: That it be noted that Deputy Mayor Kate Green declared an interest in Item 15 (GM Investment Zone) in respect to her role as a Governor of Manchester Metropolitan University.
Minutes of the GMCA Meeting held on 25 October 2024 PDF 173 KB To approve of the minutes of the GMCA meeting held on 25 October 2024.
Additional documents: Decision: That the minutes of the GMCA meeting held on 25h October 2024 be approved. |
GMCA Resources Committee Minutes- 25 October 2024 PDF 97 KB To consider the approval of the minutes of the GMCA Resources Committee meeting held on 25 October 2024 including:
a) To approve the extension of delegations to the Group Chief Executive and associated changes to the terms of reference of the Resources Committee to be included within the GMCA Constitution regarding staffing matters to align with common practice in local government. b) To give delegated authority to the GMCA Monitoring Officer to update the GMCA Constitution to reflect the changes. Additional documents: Decision: That the minutes of the GMCA Resources Committee held on 25 October 2024 be approved including: (a)That the extension of delegations to the Group Chief Executive and associated changes to the terms of reference of the Resources Committee to be included within the GMCA Constitution regarding staffing matters to align with common practice in local government be approved. (b)That delegated authority be given to the GMCA Monitoring Officer to update the GMCA Constitution to reflect the changes.
GMCA Overview & Scrutiny Committee Minutes - 23 October 2024 PDF 148 KB To note the minutes of the GMCA Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 23 October 2024.
Additional documents: Decision: That the minutes of the GMCA Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 23 October 2024 be noted. |
GM Bee Network Committee Minutes - 24 October 2024 PDF 202 KB To note the minutes of the GMCA Bee Network Committee meeting held on 24 October 2024.
Additional documents: Decision: That the minutes of the GMCA Bee Network Committee held on 24 October 2024 be noted. |
GMCA Audit Committee Minutes - 22 October 2024 PDF 147 KB To note the minutes of the GMCA Audit Committee meeting held on 22 October 2024. Additional documents: Decision: That the minutes of the GMCA Audit Committee held on 22 October 2024 be noted. |
GM Appointments 1. To appoint 1 GMCA member to the GMCA Standards Committee.
2. To appoint 1 GMCA member to the Growth Company Board.
3. To note the appointment of Councillor Yvonne Klieve to replace Councillor Paula Wakefield (Wigan) to the Police, Fire & Crime Panel. Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the appointment of a GMCA Member to the GMCA Standards Committee and a GMCA Member to the Growth Company Board be deferred to the December 2024 meeting of the GMCA. 2. That the appointment of Councillor Yvonne Klieve to replace Councillor Paula Wakefield (Wigan) as a substitute member of the GM Police, Fire & Crime Panel be noted. |
Report of Andy Mayor of Greater Manchester and presentation on the Bee Network from Vernon Everitt, Transport Commissioner & Steve Warrener Managing Director, TfGM
Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the presentation be noted.
2. That it be noted that the timelines for GM Rail Integration into the Bee Network will be confirmed in the new year. |
Vision Zero for Greater Manchester PDF 309 KB Report of Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester.
Additional documents:
2. That condolences be expressed to the family of Marcus Simmons-Allen.
3. That the contents of the Vision Zero Strategy and Action Plan be noted.
4. That the final Vision Zero Strategy and Action Plan and the formal adoption of a Vision Zero ambition for GM, where no one will suffer death or life changing injuries on our roads, be approved.
5. That the launch of the £1m Vision Zero Innovation Fund earlier in November be noted.
6. That the GMCA record its thanks to Dame Sarah Storey for her support in driving forward the implementation of the Vision Zero Strategy and the School Streets initiative.
7. That it be noted that the development of a code of practice to address safety issues arising as a result of food delivery cyclists will be progressed in the new year.
8. That the GMCA record its thanks be to all first responders at road traffic accidents for their admirable dedication to what was an extremely emotionally demanding job.
9. That the importance of highways priorities within phase 2 of the Bee Network and wider active travel ambitions be noted. |
Implementation of the GM VCFSE Accord PDF 324 KB Report of Councillor Arooj Shah, Portfolio Lead for Communities & Equalities. Additional documents:
Decision: 1. That the progress update and the next steps, as outlined at section 4, of the report submitted, be noted and that a further report be submitted to the GMCA for consideration early in 2025.
2. That an invitation should be extended to the Chair of the GM VCFSE Leadership Group to attend future meetings of the Combined Authority. |
Five Year Environment Plan 2025 - 2030 PDF 403 KB Report of Councillor Tom Ross, Portfolio Lead for Green City Region. Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the Greater Manchester Five Year Environment Plan, as contained within Annex 01, of the report submitted, be approved.
2. That the development process and next steps for its’ professional design, publication and launch at the Green Summit on 9th December be noted.
3. That the Greater Manchester Climate Risk Assessment, as a technical appendix to the Plan (Annex 02), be noted.
4. That it be noted that the co-benefits sustainability assessment of the Plan was positive.
5. That the comments highlighted from the GM Overview & Scrutiny Committee consideration of the Plan be noted.
6. That the ongoing position in relation to the Pilsworth South Landfill be noted.
7. That the need to revisit the Waste & Minerals plan be noted and that this will be considered to AGMA in the new year. |
GM Children & Young People Programme Update PDF 287 KB Report of Councillor Mark Hunter, Portfolio Lead for Children & Young People.
Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the updates on the Children and Young People’s Programme be noted.
2. That the proposal to extend the existing travel offer for care-experienced young people up to age 25 be endorsed, subject to funding being identified and approved as part of the Transport Budget setting process.
3. That it be noted that an update on early years SEND education would be submitted to the GMCA in the new year.
4. That the update received on Children’s Services at Tameside be noted, with thanks expressed to partners across the region for their recent support.
5. That the Mayor of Greater Manchester approved the proposal to extend the existing travel offer for care-experienced young people up to age 25, subject to funding being identified and approved as part of the Transport Budget setting. |
Report of Councillor Bev Craig, Portfolio Lead for Economy & Business.
Additional documents: Decision:
Greater Manchester One Network Connectivity Partner Procurement PDF 298 KB Report of Councillor Nick Peel, Portfolio Lead for GM Digital.
Additional documents: Decision:
GMCA Revenue Update Quarter 2 2024/25 PDF 330 KB Report of Councillor David Molyneux, Portfolio Leader for Resources & Investment. Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the forecast position at 30th September 2024 be noted.
2. That an increase to the Mayoral budget of £80k funded from Mayoral reserves towards spend on mayoral priorities (para 3.2) be approved. |
GMCA 2024/25 Capital Update - Quarter 2 PDF 295 KB Report of Councillor David Molyneux, Portfolio Leader for Resources & Investment. Additional documents: Decision:
2. That the addition of £0.3m National Highways funding to the 2024/25 capital programme to design and deliver a further 23 bus stop upgrades in Oldham, Tameside and Manchester, as outlined in section 2.7.5, as part of the Bus Infrastructure programme be approved. |
GM Investment Framework, Conditional Project Approval PDF 505 KB Report of Councillor David Molyneux, Portfolio Lead for Resources & Investment.
Additional documents: Decision: 1. That an equity investment of up to £300,000 to Shopblocks Limited be approved.
2. That an equity investment of £250,000 to Molymem Limited be approved.
3. That an equity investment of £150,000 to Wull Technologies Limited be approved.
4. That the update on the loan to Sustainable Ventures (North) Limited be noted.
5. That authority be delegated to the Group Treasurer in consultation with the Group Monitoring Officer to review the due diligence information in respect of the above investments, and, subject to their satisfactory review and agreement of the due diligence information and the overall detailed commercial terms of the investments, to sign off any outstanding conditions, issue final approvals and complete any necessary related documentation in respect of the investments noted above. |
EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC That, under section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public should be excluded from the meeting for the following items on business on the grounds that this involved the likely disclosure of exempt information, as set out in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information. Additional documents: Decision: |
GM Investment Framework Recommendations Report of Councillor David Molyneux, Portfolio Lead for Resources & Investment.
Clerk’s Note: This item was considered in support of the report considered in Part A of the agenda (Item 19 above refers). |