Venue: GMCA, Tootal Buildings, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester M16EU
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: |
MEMBERSHIP OF THE GMCA AUDIT COMMITTEE 2022-23 To note the appointment of Councillor Tom McGee, Stockport (Lab) as a substitute member on the Committee for the remainder of the 2022/2023 municipal year.
Councillor McGee has replaced Councillor Tracy Kelly, Salford (Lab). Additional documents: |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 215 KB To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Additional documents: |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING PDF 523 KB To consider the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting of the committee, held on 27th July 2022, as a correct record. Additional documents: |
RISK DEEP DIVE - TRANSPORT Discussion item on transport matters. Additional documents: |
UPDATE FROM THE JOINT AUDIT PANEL - To follow To receive the minutes from the Joint Audit Panel meeting held on 30th September 2022. Additional documents: |
CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNANCE UPDATE - POLICE AND CRIME PDF 164 KB To consider a report of the GMCA Treasurer and the GMCA Solicitor & Monitoring Officer. Additional documents: |
GMCA OFSTED INSPECTION OUTCOME - APPRENTICESHIP EMPLOYER-PROVIDER PDF 396 KB To receive a report of Dave Russel Chief Fire Officer. Additional documents: |
RISK MANAGEMENT UPDATE PDF 300 KB To receive an update from the Head of Audit and Assurance, GMCA. Additional documents: |
REVIEWING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE GMCA AUDIT COMMITTEE To receive a verbal update from the Head of Audit and Assurance, GMCA. Additional documents: |
INTERNAL AUDIT PROGRESS REPORT PDF 1 MB Report of Head of Audit and Assurance, GMCA. Additional documents: |
AUDIT ACTION TRACKING PDF 645 KB Report of Head of Audit and Assurance, GMCA. Additional documents: |
EXTERNAL AUDIT PROGRESS REPORT PDF 508 KB To receive a progress update from the External Auditor, Mazars LLP. Additional documents: |
AUDITOR'S ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21 PDF 510 KB To consider the Auditor’s Annual Report 2020/21. Additional documents: |
AUDIT COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME PDF 474 KB To consider the Committee Work Programme. Additional documents: |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING To note that the next meeting of the GMCA audit Committee will take place on Monday 21st November 2022 and will commence at 10:30 am. Additional documents: |