Agenda and decisions

Greater Manchester Transport Committee - Friday, 10th December, 2021 10.30 am

Venue: Exchange 8-10, Manchester Central

Contact: Governance & Scrutiny  Tel: 0161 778 7009


No. Item



Additional documents:


That apologies be received and noted from Councillors Emma Taylor, Dzidra Noor, Joanne Marshall, Paul Prescott, Norman Briggs, Doreen Dickinson, Tom McGee, John Leech, Barry Warner and Gary Nolan (One Bus).


Chairs Announcements and Urgent Business

Additional documents:


There were no chairs announcements or urgent business.



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 203 KB

To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.


Additional documents:


  1. That it be noted that Councillor Phil Burke declared a personal interest in relation to item 9, Transport Network Performance.
  2. That it be noted that Councillor Jackie Harris declared a personal interest in relation to item 7, Integrated Rail Plan.



Minutes of the GM Transport Committee meeting - 15 October 2021 pdf icon PDF 305 KB

To consider the approval of the minutes of the meeting held 15 October 2021.


Additional documents:


That the minutes of the GM Transport Committee meeting held 15 October 2021 be approved as a correct record.



Minutes of the Sub Committee Meetings pdf icon PDF 458 KB

To note the minutes of the sub committees as below –

·         Metrolink & Rail Sub Committee held 12 November 2021

·         Bus Services Sub Committee held 19 November 2021

Additional documents:


  1. That the minutes of the GMTC Sub Committees as below be noted.


· Metrolink & Rail Sub Committee – 12 November 2021

· Bus Services Sub Committee – 19 November 2021


2.      That Bob Morris Chief Operating Officer (TfGM) would be available to discuss Bury Council’s proposal for free weekend bus travel further with Councillor Kevin Peel at the end of the meeting.


2040 Delivery Plan Annual Progress Report pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of Simon Warburton, Transport Strategy Director, TfGM.

Additional documents:


  1. That the proposed content for the Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040 progress report be noted.
  2. That the Annual Progress Report of the 2040 Greater Manchester Transport Strategy be brought to the meeting of the GM Transport Committee in February 2022.



Integrated Rail Plan Update pdf icon PDF 593 KB

Report of Simon Warburton, Transport Strategy Director, TfGM.

Additional documents:


  1. That the report be noted.
  2. That the GM Transport Committee be kept up to date as the implications for Greater Manchester as a result of the Integrated Rail Plan (IRP) are more fully understood.
  3. That TfGM provide a briefing to Members on the proposed new rail timetable for May 2022 currently in consultation.
  4. That feedback in relation to the conversation on the IRP at the TfN Board Meeting in January be shared with Members of the Committee.
  5. That the position of Trafford Council be noted in relation to the potential negative impact to the Warburton area as a result of the Golbourne link and that they had put forward alternative ways to increase the capacity on the West Coast Mainline.


Active Travel Update with specific focus on over 50's and children & young people initiatives pdf icon PDF 770 KB

Report of Richard Nickson, Programme Director for Cycling & Walking and Eve Holt, GM Moving.

Additional documents:


  1. That the report be noted.
  2. That feedback as to whether cycling proficiency courses now include training on specific local junctions (especially those newly installed) be provided through the next report to Committee.
  3. That TfGM would provide a progress update to Councillor Meller in relation to the delay in light installation for a new zebra crossing.


Transport Network Performance pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of Bob Morris, Chief Operating Officer, TfGM.

Additional documents:


  1. That the contents of the report be noted.
  2. That it be noted that TfGM are reviewing timetable options for Metrolink whilst ensuring capacity is not compromised.
  3. That it be noted that Network Rail offered to provide an update to Councillor David Meller on the status of the planned cleaning of Stockport Viaduct.
  4. That Members continue to receive regular network performance reports, specifically detailing patronage projections and information on current and anticipated Government financial support.



Christmas & New Year Planning 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 868 KB

Report of Stephen Rhodes, Customer Director and Interim Head of Bus Services, TfGM.

Additional documents:


That the ongoing planning and delivery of transport services and interventions over the winter period as detailed in the report, be noted.



GMTC Work Programme pdf icon PDF 371 KB

Report of Gwynne Williams, Deputy Monitoring Officer, GMCA.

Additional documents:


That the Committee’s Work Programme be noted.


Dates and Times of Future Meetings

To note that the GM Transport Committee would next meet on Friday 18 February 2022.



Additional documents:


That it be noted that the GM Transport Committee would next meet on Friday 18 February 2022.