Venue: Meeting Rooms A & B, Bury Town Hall, Knowsley Street, Bury, BL9 0SW
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Decision: Apologies were received and noted from Councillor Bev Craig (Manchester) and Councillor David Molyneaux (Wigan).
Chairs Announcements and Urgent Business Decision: There were no Chairs Announcements or Urgent Business.
Declarations of Interest PDF 106 KB To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer 48 hours before the start of the meeting.
Decision: There were no declarations of interest made in relation to any item on the agenda.
Minutes of the meeting of the GMCA Resources Committee held on 29 September 2023 PDF 86 KB To approve the minutes of the GMCA Resources Committee held on 29 September 2023. Decision: That the minutes of the meeting of the Resources Committee held on 29 September be approved as a correct record.
Retirement of GMCA & TfGM Chief Executive Officer PDF 159 KB Report of Gillian Duckworth, GMCA Solicitor and Monitoring Officer.
Decision: 1. That the retirement of the current Chief Executive Officer, GMCA & TfGM, as set out in the report, be noted.
2. That the commencement of a recruitment process of a new Chief Executive Officer, who will be appointed to the role of Head of Paid Service, in accordance with section 4 of the Local Government & Housing Act 1989, be authorised.
3. That the use of a recruitment executive search agency to provide independent support to the process be approved.
4. That the option set out at 2.2 c) be developed as the preferred option – a more hybrid approach with the creation of a genuine Group Chief Executive Officer role, with a view to the Appointment Panel updating the Resources Committee in November 2023 as to the detail of the role, remuneration and recruitment timelines .
5. To agree that the Members of the Resources Committee and Deputy Mayor, Kate Green be appointed to the Appointment Panel
GMFRS Heads of Service Roles - Regrading and Creation of a New Role PDF 218 KB
Report of Ben Norman, Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service. Decision:
1. That the Chief Fire Officer be authorised to progress the advertisement and establishment of a Head of Corporate Support (Senior Pay Scale SM6) post.
2. That the regrade of the Head of Protection and Building Safety, from Band 11 plus 15.8% additional responsibility allowance to Senior Pay Scale SM5, backdated to 1st April 2023, be approved.
3. That the regrade of the Head of Health, Safety and Organisational Learning, from Band 11 to Senior Pay Scale SM6, backdated to 1st April 2023, be approved.
4. That the regrade of the Head of Service Excellence, from Band 11 to Senior Pay Scale SM6, backdated to 1st April 2023, be approved. 5. That the regrade of the Head of Fleet and Technical Services, from Band 11 to Senior Pay Scale SM6, backdated to 1st April 2023, be approved.
Re-evaluation of two GMCA Senior Posts PDF 267 KB Report of Andrew Lightfoot, Deputy Chief Executive, Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Decision: 1. That the Chief Executive Officer, GMCA & TfGM be authorised to progress the “Head of Devolution Strategy & Government Engagement” and the “Assistant Director, Children and Young People -Reform”, to band SM6 of the senior pay-scale, backdated to July 2023, when the additional responsibilities were taken on and the re-evaluation process started.
2. That it be noted that both posts have been re-evaluated in line with the LGA framework and that the outcome of that re-evaluation was that the posts should move from Grade 11 onto the Senior pay-scale (SM6).
3. That it be noted that the additional costs will be met from existing GMCA budgets as a result of vacancy management.
Six month Progress Update on the 2023/24 GMCA Business Plan PDF 507 KB Report of Eamonn Boylan, Chief Executive Officer, GMCA & TfGM. Decision: That the progress on delivery of the 23/24 Business Plan, and the proposed approach to oversee its ongoing delivery, as well as the development of the 24/25 Business Plan be noted.