Venue: Board Room, GMCA, Churchgate House, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 6EU
Contact: Kerry Bond Email: Tel: 0161 778 7009
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Eamonn Boylan (GMCA), Chris Matthews (United Utilities), Roger Milburn (Arup), Mark Pilling (Siemens), Hisham Elkadi (Salford University); Lee Rawlinson (Environment Agency), Nalin Thakkar (Manchester University) and Simon Warburton (TfGM).
The Chair opened the meeting, welcomed all those present and introductions took place around the table.
CHAIRS ANNOUNCEMENTS AND URGENT BUSINESS Minutes: Whilst there was no urgent business, the Chair drew the Partnership’s attention to:
· The GMCA’s climate change emergency declaration was agreed at the GMCA meeting on Friday 26 July 2019.
· Greater Manchester’s 5 Year Environmental Plan would be showcased in the C40 Cities 100 report
· The 5 Year Environmental Plan had also won an award at the Low Carbon Expo in Nanning, China. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 325 KB To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer at the start of the meeting.
Minutes: There were no declarations received in relation to any item on the agenda. |
To consider the approval of the minute of the meetings held on 29 July 2019.
Minutes: That the minutes of the meeting held on 29 July 2019 be approved as a correct record.
1. Arising from minute LCHB/29/19 (Mission Based Approach – Presentation), the Chair advised that the deep dives into the key themes would commence from January 2020. The Chair asked the Challenge Group Chairs to organise a schedule of items/visits for each meeting.
2. Arising from minute LCHB/31/19 (Governance Changes and Terms of Reference), it was noted that Professor Will Swan (University of Salford) had been asked to be Deputy Chair of the Low Carbon Buildings Challenge Group, Stuart Easterbrook (Cadent) had been asked to be the Deputy Chair of the Energy Innovation Challenge and Amanda Reid (Manchester Metropolitan University) had been asked to be the Deputy Chair of the Sustainable Consumption and Production Challenge Group.
3. Arising from minute LCHB/32/19 (Collective PV/Battery Procurement), it had not been possible to offer a low cost loan this time for Solar Together, but if the scheme was successful, it could be offered in the future. 2,000 expressions of interest had been received.
IMPLEMENTING THE FIVE YEAR ENVIRONMENT PLAN UPDATE PDF 247 KB Report and presentation of Mark Atherton, Assistant Director of Environment, GMCA. Additional documents:
Minutes: A report was considered that provided the usual update on progress of the GM Green City Region Partnership for the second quarter of 2019/20.
The annexes to the report contained a summary of key achievements during the last quarter across the areas within the 5 Year Environmental Plan. A number of key successes were also highlighted within the report.
The main discussions referred:
· Work would take place with the Low Carbon Buildings Challenge Group around improving housing stock data. The GMCA had successfully bid for LGA funding to undertake a housing stock condition survey.
· The Greater Manchester Mayor had signed the Milan Urban Food Pact supporting sustainable, healthy, affordable food for all, which needed building into wider policy. Work looking at how food was managed in the city region was needed.
· The Low Carbon Buildings Challenge Group would respond to the Future Homes Standard consultation by 10 January 2020.
· It was confirmed that the impacts of new housing standards had been considered in terms of the Greater Manchester’s Plan for Homes, Jobs and the Environment (was Greater Manchester Spatial Framework). Quality assurance processes should take account of building regulations for new build. A small plot of eco houses would be built in Bury to show there was an alternative to regular builds.
· Influencing Government policy would be important. There should be one consistent message to Government across all groups.
· It was noted that Modern Methods of Manufacturing had been published. It was reported that GM specific work on Modern Methods of Construction was taking place and could be brought back to the Partnership for consideration.
· A discussion took place about enforcement of building regulations and the use of approved inspectors rather than building control. It was suggested that this could be a Local Authority (LA) task. There was also a fundamental issue about how buildings were signed off.
1. That the Partnership noted the progress outlined within the report and the latest position set out in the dashboards attached to the report at Annex 01 (Environment Team Performance Overview) and Annex 02 (5 Year Environment Plan Performance).
2. That Modern Methods of Construction be considered at a future meeting. |
PROGRESS WITH CHALLENGE GROUPS PDF 899 KB • Low Carbon Buildings (Robin Lawler) • Energy Innovation (Peter Emery) • Natural Capital (Anne Selby) • Sustainable Consumption and Production (Richard Jenkins) • Communications Energy Transition Region (Phil Korbel) • Five Year Environment Plan (Carly McLachlan)
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Partnership received a presentation on progress developing the Challenge Groups since the last meeting.
It was explained that this would be followed by a deeper dive into each of the Challenge Group outcomes and proposed Task and Finish Groups by the Chairs of those Groups. Each of the Chairs were invited to comment on how their Challenge Group operated, including, Terms of Reference, membership, next steps and any issues arising from the Group.
AIR QUALITY UPDATE Verbal report of Megan Black, TfGM. Minutes: The Partnership received a presentation on progress developing the Challenge Groups since the last meeting.
It was explained that this would be followed by a deeper dive into each of the Challenge Group outcomes and proposed Task and Finish Groups by the Chairs of those Groups. Each of the Chairs were invited to comment on how their Challenge Group operated, including, Terms of Reference, membership, next steps and any issues arising from the Group.
Consideration was given to a report that outlined the progress made in establishing a Low Carbon Buildings Challenge Group as agreed at the last meeting of the GM Green City Region Partnership.
The Chair of the Group provided a verbal summary from the first meeting, which took place on 10 October 2019. The Group discussed using existing groups to support the work of the Challenge Group, embedded energy, planning implications and behavioural change.
A lengthy discussion took place about the current delivery model being insufficient to realise retrofit ambitions in the long term view.
1. That the Partnership noted progress in developing the Low Carbon Buildings Challenge Group priorities.
2. The Partnership noted the issues arising from the last meeting of the Group and next steps (Sections 2 and 3 of the report).
3. That the Partnership agreed the proposed Terms of Reference for the Low Carbon Buildings Challenge Group attached to the report.
The Partnership considered a report that outlined the progress made in establishing an Energy Innovation Challenge Group as agreed at the last meeting of the GM Green City Region Partnership.
The Chair of the Challenge Group explained that discussions at the meeting on 7 October 2019 covered work through the Strategic Infrastructure Group, gaps and local engagement, membership, the energy master-planning, the hydrogen strategy, managing transitions, targets and on shore wind.
1. That the Partnership noted progress in developing the Energy Innovation Challenge Group priorities.
2. The Partnership noted the issues arising from the last meeting of the Group and next steps (Sections 2 and 3 of the report).
3. That the Partnership agreed the proposed Terms of Reference for the Energy Innovation Challenge Group attached to the report.
A report was considered that outlined the progress made in establishing a Natural Capital Challenge Group as agreed at the last meeting of the GM Green City Region Partnership.
The Chair explained that the existing Natural Capital Group would be the Challenge Group. Discussions at the meeting, which took place on 27 September 2019 covered the Environment Act, policy and metrics, nature recovery network, climate change/biodiversity emergency agreement, new funding, environmental education, ecotherapy and health.
1. That the Partnership noted progress in developing the Natural Capital Challenge Group priorities.
2. The Partnership noted the issues arising from the last meeting of the Group and next steps (Sections 2 and 3 of the report).
3. That the Partnership agreed the proposed Terms of Reference for ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
LOCAL ENERGY MARKET BID PDF 3 MB Presentation of Sean Owen, Energy Lead, GMCA, for information. Minutes: The Partnership received a presentation on Greater Manchester’s recent application to Powering Future Energy Revolution fund for £6m to design a Greater Manchester Local Energy Market.
It was emphasised that should be project be successful, it would prepare the way for commercialisation of energy services. It was a very important project worth £6.2m, which would help deliver targets. A result was expected in November 2019, with a project start date on 1 January 2020. It was clarified that the funding was 50:50 match funding.
Should the funding bid be unsuccessful, it was explained that there was a Plan B, work was already taking place, but it would not be of the same scale or speed.
That the update be noted. |
ENERGY TRANSITION REGION PDF 362 KB Report of Sean Owen, Energy Lead, GMCA, for information. Additional documents: Minutes: A report was considered that outlined the progress made in developing a high level business case and GM Wide Energy Transition Region.
It was explained that the report would be finalised based on comments received and would then be assessed by partners who might wish to take a funding bid forward.
1. The progress in developing the Energy Transition Region proposal was noted by the Partnership.
2. That the Partnership noted the Energy Transition Region Draft Strategic Outline case detailed at Annex 01 of the report.
DATE AND TIMES OF FUTURE MEETINGS To agree the future meeting dates for the Committee:
Monday, 20 January 2020, 10:00am Friday, 20 March 2020, 10:00am Friday, 24 July 2020, 10:00am
Minutes: The dates and of future meetings were noted as:
· Monday 20 January 2020 · Friday 24 July 2020
All meetings would take place at 10.00 am, Boardroom, GMCA.