Agenda and decisions

AGMA Executive Board - Friday, 31st July, 2020

Venue: This meeting will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams and will be live-streamed for public viewing.

Contact: Governance & Scrutiny  Tel: 0161 778 7009

Link: click here to watch live stream of meeting

No. Item




That the apologies be received and noted from Cllr David Molyneux, Cllr Elise Wilson, Carolyn Wilkins, Sara Todd and Jim Taylor.



Chairs Announcements and Urgent Business


There were no Chairs announcements or urgent business.



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 479 KB


To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer at least 48 hours before the meeting.



There were no declarations of interest in relation to any item on the agenda.


Minutes of the AGMA Executive Board meeting held on 26 June 2020 pdf icon PDF 421 KB


To consider the approval of the minutes of the AGMA Executive Board meeting held on 26 June 2020.



That the minutes of the AGMA Executive Board meeting held 26 June 2020 be approved.



Greater Manchester Spatial Framework - Timetable pdf icon PDF 811 KB

Report of Salford City Mayor, Paul Dennett, Portfolio Lead for Housing, Homelessness and Infrastructure.



That this item be deferred until the next meeting of the AGMA Executive Board.