Agenda and decisions

AGMA Executive Board - Friday, 10th February, 2023

Venue: Council Chamber, Salford City Council, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford, M27 5AW

Contact: Governance & Scrutiny  Tel: 0161 778 7009


No. Item



Additional documents:


That apologies be received and noted from Councillor Martyn Cox (Bolton), Councillor Amanda Chadderton (Oldham) & Joanne Roney (Manchester)


Chairs Announcements and Urgent Business

Additional documents:


There were no Chairs’ announcements.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 203 KB

To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.


Additional documents:


There were no declarations received in relation to any item on the agenda.


Minutes of the AGMA Executive Board held on meeting held on 24 June 2022 pdf icon PDF 466 KB

To approve the minutes of the AGMA Executive Board meeting held on 24 June 2022.

Additional documents:


That the minutes of the AGMA Executive Board meeting held on 24 June 2022 be approved.


GM Appointment

To note the appoint of Cllr Tom Ross, Trafford Council, to the AGMA Executive Board.

Additional documents:


That the appointment of Councillor Tom Ross, Trafford Council, to the AGMA Executive Board be noted.


AGMA Budget Update 2022/23 and Budget 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 580 KB

Report of Cllr David Molyneux, Portfolio Lead for Resources & Investment.

Additional documents:


1.    That the report and the current AGMA revenue outturn forecast for 2022/23 showing a breakeven position as set out in section 1 of the report be noted.


2.    That a budget of £938,000 relating to AGMA functions in 2023/24 as set out in section 2 of the report be approved.


3.    That the charges to the GM District Councils in support of the AGMA functions for 2023/24 of £843,000, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, noting the increase of £139,000 from 2022/23 be approved.


4.    That the forecast position on reserves as detailed in section 3 of the report be noted.