Venue: The Tootal Buildings - Broadhurst House , 1st Floor, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 6EU. View directions
Contact: paul Harris
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Decision: Apologies for absence were received and noted from Councillor Boyle (Tameside) with Councillor Owen attending as a sub; Councillor Williams (Trafford) with Councillor Adshead attending as a sub and from Councillors Rawlins (Manchester) and Councillor McCaul (Manchester). |
Chair's Announcements and Urgent Business Additional documents: |
Membership of the Committee 2024-2025 To note the appointments of Councillor Laura Boyle (Tameside) (Lab) as a member of the Committee and Councillors Anthony McCaul (Manchester) (Lab) and Jacqueline Owen (Tameside) (Lab) as substitute members for the remainder of the 2024/2025 municipal year. Additional documents: |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Additional documents: Decision: There were no declarations of interest made by any member of the committee in respect of any item on the agenda. |
To consider the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 1st October 2024, as a correct record.. Additional documents: Decision: That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Air Quality Administration Committee, held on 1st October 2024, be approved as a correct record. |
GM Clean Air Plan - January 2025 Update - To Follow To consider a report of Councillor Eamonn O’Brien, GM Lead Member for Clean Air. Additional documents: Decision: 1. That it be noted that government confirmed it has accepted the assessment that an investment-led, non-charging Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan will achieve compliance with nitrogen dioxide levels on the local road network in the shortest possible time and by 2026 and Greater Manchester will not need to implement a charging Clean Air Zone (CAZ).
2. That it be noted that the investment-led package of £86m confirmed by government consists of: • £51.1m towards bus investment, including 40 zero emission buses, 77 Euro VI standard buses and charging infrastructure; • £5m for local traffic management measures; • £8 million to support moving Greater Manchester’s taxi fleet to cleaner vehicles; • Up to £21.9m for administration, delivery, monitoring and other associated costs. 3. That a new direction from the government is expected to be issued to the Greater Manchester authorities imminently which will allow TfGM to understand the detailed breakdown of the funding awarded for Development, Administration, Risk & Contingency, be noted.
4. That proposals on funding to support Greater Manchester’s taxi fleet move to cleaner vehicles, including timelines for next steps, be noted.
5. That TfGM and the GM Authorities are working together to assess the potential alternative use of signage, be noted.
6. That a public consultation on the use of the cameras for potential law enforcement activity related to the detection of crime is anticipated for the summer of 2025, subject to a review of the financial, technological and legal options available to facilitate a change of use, be noted.
7. That approval to delegate authority to the Group Chief Executive, GMCA, GMFRS and TfGM, in consultation with the GM Clean Air Lead, be granted specifically to:-
7.1 Approve the termination, part termination or variation of contracts and deal with any supplementary requests from the Joint Air Quality Unit in support of the implementation phase of the investment-led Clean Air Plan, be granted; and
7.2 Approve the most appropriate and cost-effective method for the removal or repurposing of the signs and report back to the next meeting of this Committee. |
GM Clean Air Plan - Expenditure Update January 2025 - To Follow
To consider a report of Caroline Simpson, Group Chief Executive Officer. Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the expenditure update provides further details on the aggregate spend following on from the “GM Clean Air Plan – Expenditure Update” dated 26 October 2022 and 20 December 2023, be noted;
2. That the funding received from Government, the expenditure made and the funding requirements that have emerged as the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan has been developed and operated, be noted;
3. That it be noted that TfGM and JAQU reached an agreement in Q4 2022/23 over the funding required to fund the continued development of the GM Clean Air Plan to fill the gap that would have been covered by the CAZ revenues and £12.2 million was provided to fund that shortfall and covered the period up to 31st March 2023; and a further £8.1 million was provided to cover costs up to March 2024;
4. That it be noted that TfGM was unable to materially change or terminate the contracts that have been put in place for the delivery of a charging Clean Air Zone or the delivery of the Financial Support Scheme, until a formal decision was received from the government;
5. That following the decision by Government to endorse the Investment-led Clean Air Plan, it be noted that steps will be taken to terminate, partly terminate or vary the existing contracts to close down ongoing superfluous liabilities.
6. That it be noted that TfGM and the GM Authorities are working together to assess the potential to repurpose and explore alternative uses for the equipment and signage to minimise waste.