
NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership Board - Friday, 27th September, 2024 1.15 pm

Venue: Banqueting Room, Leigh Sports Village, Leigh Stadium, Sale Way, Leigh, WN7 4JY

Contact: Edward Flanagan, Senior Governance & Scrutiny Officer 


No. Item


Welcome and apologies

Annual General Meeting


Appointment of Chair

Members are asked to note that the GM Portfolio Lead for Healthy Lives and the Chair of NHS GM Integrated Care are joint chairs of the Integrated Care Partnership Board as per the terms of reference.


ICPB Membership

To note the membership of the Integrated Care Partnership Board.




Sir Richard Leese

Chair of NHS GM Integrated Care

Andy Burnham

GMCA - GM Mayor

Mark Fisher CBE

Chief Executive of NHS GM Integrated Care



Sean Fielding


Tamoor Tariq


Bev Craig


Barbara Brownridge


Daalat Ali


John Merry


Mark Hunter


Ged Cooney


Jane Slater


Keith Cunliffe




Jackie Schofield

Bolton substitute

Eamonn O’Brien

Bury substitute

Thomas Robinson

Manchester substitute

Marie Bashforth

Oldham substitute

Faisal Rana

Rochdale substitute

Mishal Saeed

Salford substitute

Mark Roberts

Stockport substitute

Eleanor Wills

Tameside substitute

Tom Ross

Trafford substitute

David Molyneux

Wigan substitute



Caroline Simpson

GMCA - GMCA Chief Executive

Alison McKenzie Folan

Local Authorities Health Lead, CE Wigan Council

Debbie Watson

Director of Public Health – Director of Public Health, Tameside

Stephanie Butterworth

DASS – Director of Adult Social Services, NHS GM Integrated Care

Kathy Cowell

Provider Federation – Chair of Provider Trust, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

Evelyn Asante-Mensah

Provider Federation – Chair Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust

Janet Castrogiovanni

Primary Care – Managing Director GM Primary Care Provider Trust

Luvjit Kandula

Primary Care – Director of Pharmacy Transformation, GM Primary Care Provider Board

Don McGrath

Primary Care – GM Health and Social Care (Dentistry)

Tracey Vell

Primary Care – Medical Director, Health Innovation Manchester

Professor Mark Britnell

Health Innovation Manchester – Chair Health Innovation Manchester

Heather Fairfield

GM Healthwatch – Chair GM Healthwatch

James Bull

Trade Union – UNISON Regional Organiser

Noel Sharpe

Housing – Group Chief Executive, Bolton at Home

Ben Whalley

VCSE – Deputy Chief Executive, Gaddum

Edna Robinson

VCSE – Member of the GM VCFSE Leaders Group



Members Code of Conduct and Annual Declaration Form

To remind Local Authority representatives of their obligations under the GMCA Member’s Code of Conduct and to request Local Authority Members complete an annual declaration of interest form, which will be published on the GMCA website.


ICPB Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To note the Board’s Terms of Reference.

Ordinary Business


Chair's Announcements and Urgent Business


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.


Minutes of the meeting of the Integrated Care Partnership Board held on 31 May 2024 pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To consider the approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 31 May 2024


Prevention, Health and Good Growth pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Report of Warren Heppolette, Chief Officer,  Strategy and Innovation, NHS Greater Manchester.

Additional documents:


Live Well pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Presentation by Jane Forrest, Director Public Service Reform, GMCA.


GM Moving Revised MoU and Progress Update pdf icon PDF 879 KB

Report of the Co Chair of GM ICPB and Tom Stannard, Chief Executive for Salford City Council and Chair of GM Moving Partnership Group.

Additional documents:


Health Innovation Manchester - Three-year Strategy and 2023/24 Annual Impact Report pdf icon PDF 156 KB

Report of Ben Bridgewater, Chief Executive Officer, Health Innovation Manchester

Additional documents:


Date and time of next meeting

1.00pm on Friday 29 November 2024