Agenda and decisions

Bee Network Committee - Thursday, 23rd November, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: GMCA Offices, 56 Oxford Street, M1 6EU

Contact: Ninoshka Martins  Email:


No. Item



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The Chair welcomed Dame Sarah Storey, Active Travel Commissioner, Vernon Everitt, Transport Commissioner and Michael Parker, Chief Inspector for Road Safety to the meeting.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Paul Prescott, Dan Costello, Elaine Taylor, Aidan Williams, Paul Dennett and Hamid Khurram. 



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer 48 hours in advance of the meeting.

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None received.


Chair's announcements and Urgent Business

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1.     That it be noted that following a public consultation which attracted 750,000 responses the Transport Secretary has asked all train operators to withdraw their proposals to close ticket offices.


2.     In noting the concerns raised around the decision taken by Avanti West Coast to remove 1 train per hour from their London-Manchester route from December, it was agreed that a further performance update be provided under the rail programme item that was currently scheduled for January 2024.


3.     That the update in relation to the performance of Tranche 1 services be noted and that the relevant data in relation to punctuality of services be circulated to members following the meeting.


4.     That it be noted that to improve customer experience further improvements to the Bee Network application including the added functionality of journey planning including apple and google pay functionality would be included within future updates of the Bee Network application.







Minutes of the meeting held on 26 October 2023 pdf icon PDF 162 KB

To consider the approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 26 October 2023.

Additional documents:


That the minutes of the Bee Network Committee held on 26 October 2023 be approved as a correct record.



Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040: Progress Report pdf icon PDF 270 KB

Report of Martin Lax, Director of Transport Strategy.   

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1.     That the progress on Greater Manchester’s committed transport delivery programme be noted.


2.     That progress against the existing Right Mix vision and established 2040 Transport Strategy key performance indicators be noted.


3.     That it be agreed that the implications of KPI monitoring, and delivery progress should be considered carefully to shape the refresh of the Local Transport Plan.


4.     That it be noted that the Rapid Transit Strategy, that would also include an update on the position around Tram-Train schemes and long-term rapid transit options would be brought to a future meeting of the Committee.


5.     That the measures that have been deployed to improve safety on the network, including the launch of the #IsThisOK? campaign to encourage men travelling on public transport to consider their behaviour towards women and girls be noted.


6.     That it be noted that TfGM had received funding following a successful joint bid with the British Transport Police and have since procured the headsets and the VR software needed for the delivery of VR Headset Scheme. Virtual reality headsets will be used to give youngsters an insight into the real impact missile attacks on trains, trams and buses have on passengers and drivers which will potentially deter antisocial behaviour on the network.


7.     That further details on the merger of A560 Stockport Road scheme with Tameside - Hattersley Viaduct scheme be provided to Councillor Bray following the meeting.




Greater Manchester Streets for All Design Guide pdf icon PDF 433 KB

Report of Martin Lax, Transport Strategy Director, TfGM.

Additional documents:




1.    That it be noted that the key role the Greater Manchester Streets for All Design Guide will have in helping the region achieve the ambition set out in the Streets for All Strategy, GMTS 2040, and in building the Bee Network.


2.    That the Greater Manchester Streets for All Design Guide V1.1; be adopted.


3.    That it be noted that all schemes funded through the GMCA should be developed and designed following the approach and requirements set out in the Streets for All Design Guidance.


4.    That it be noted that Supplementary Technical Guidance and any minor updates to the Design Guide be agreed by TfGM and local authorities using the GM Transport Strategy, GM Highways and GM Delivery Groups.


5.    That it be noted that the commitment to return to this Committee in the event of substantive revision and update.


Road Safety Update pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of Peter Boulton, Head of Highways, TfGM.


Additional documents:




1.     That the contents of the report be noted.


2.     That plans to reduce road casualty figures through engagement with business owners to encourage the adoption of accountability standards through operation AVRO be noted.


3.     That it be agreed that details of neighbourhood policing inspectors be shared with the Committee to allow members to share road safety issues directly with GMP.


4.     That it be agreed that on behalf of the Committee a letter be sent to the Department of Transport outlining the concerns of members alongside recommending that a review of the existing criteria for the installation of speed cameras be undertaken.


5.     That be agreed that a meeting be arranged with the Chief Constable to explore the options available to Greater Manchester until a response from Government is received.


Transport Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 303 KB

Report of Chris Barnes, Infrastructure Pipeline Programme Director, TfGM.

Additional documents:




1.     That the current position in relation to CRSTS1 and the recent announcement of indicative funding for CRSTS2 be noted.


2.     That it be noted that the Strategic Outline Business Case (SOBC) in relation to the £53.6m Active Travel allocation within CRSTS1 has been submitted and approved in line with the previously agreed CRSTS assurance process. The drawdown of specific financial releases in relation to individual schemes within this overall allocation would be progressed through the previously agreed Mayoral Challenge Fund (MCF) governance process, as detailed within this report.


3.     That the proposed reallocation of £6.8m CRSTS funding from the A577 Complementary Works scheme to the Golborne Station scheme be noted.


4.     That in line with previously adopted practice, the draw-down of Active Travel funding as be approved as follows:


·         £1m of ATF3 funding for delivery of the Salford Irwell Street Phase 1 scheme;

·         £0.25m of ATF4 funding for the development of the Manchester Cycleway, Yellow Brick Road scheme;

·         £0.35m of ATF4 funding for the development of the Manchester Cycleway, CYCLOPS scheme

·         £0.17m of ATF4 funding for the development of the Bury Parkhills Road, Heywood Street Junctions scheme; and

·         £0.12m of ATF4 funding for the development of the Bury Radcliffe Metrolink Active Travel Access Package.


5.     That it be agreed that the consideration and approval of the bid to the second round of funding for the DfT’s Zero Emission Bus Regional Areas (ZEBRA) Scheme to the Chief Executive, GMCA and TfGM for submission to Government by 15th December.


Dates and Times of Future Meetings

·         14 December; 2 – 4 PM


·         25 January; 2 – 4 PM


·         22 February; 2 – 4 PM


·         21 March; 2 – 4 PM

Additional documents:


          14 December; 2 – 4 PM


          25 January; 2 – 4 PM


          22 February; 2 – 4 PM


          21 March; 2 – 4 PM