Agenda, decisions and minutes

Greater Manchester Transport Committee - Friday, 15th October, 2021 10.30 am

Venue: Exchange Room, Manchester Central Conference Centre, M2 3GX

Contact: Governance & Scrutiny  Tel: 0161 778 7009


No. Item



Additional documents:


That apologies be received and noted from Councillors Barry Warner, Emma Taylor, Dzidra Noor, Stuart Haslam, Nathan Evans, Joanne Marshall and Andrew Western. Apologies were also received from GM Mayor Andy Burnham, Daniel Coles (Network Rail), Chris Jackson (Northern) and Nicola Ward (GMCA).


That the apologies were noted.


Chairs Announcements and Urgent Business

Additional documents:



That the update provided by the GM Transport Commissioner on activities that had taken place around the Conservative Party Conference be received by the Committee.



There were no Chair’s announcements or items of urgent business.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 203 KB

To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.


Additional documents:


That it be noted that Councillor Phil Burke declared a personal interest by virtue of being an employee of Metrolink.


There were no declarations received in relation to any item on the agenda.


Minutes of the GM Transport Committee meeting - 20 August 2021 pdf icon PDF 208 KB

To consider the approval of the minutes of the meeting held 20 August 2021.


Additional documents:


That the minutes of the GM Transport Committee meeting held 20 August 2021 be approved as a correct record.




That the minutes of the meeting held on ?? be approved.


Minutes of the Sub Committees pdf icon PDF 478 KB

To note the minutes of the GM Transport Committee Sub Committees –

·         Metrolink & Rail – 17 September 2021

·         Bus Services – 1 October 2021

Additional documents:


That the minutes of the GMTC Sub Committees as below be noted.


· Metrolink & Rail Sub Committee – 17 September 2021

· Bus Services Sub Committee – 1 October 2021


Network Performance pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report of Bob Morris, Chief Operating Officer, TfGM.

Additional documents:


  1. That the Network Performance update be noted; and


  1. That TfGM Officers be asked to provide train network performance figures normalised in percentage terms to allow like for like comparisons with pre-pandemic network performance.


GMP Transport Unit Update

Presentation from Chief Inspector Ronald Neilson, Specialist Operations Transport Unit, GMP.

Additional documents:


  1. That the update from the GMP Transport Unit be noted;


  1. That the GMP e-scooter analysis and any figures available on serious incidents involving e-scooters be fed back to the Committee;


  1. That arrangements be made for Inspector Griffin to update Councillor Burke on Metrolink staff assault figures;


  1. That officer deployment arrangements on the bus and Metrolink networks be fed back to the Committee;


  1. That figures detailing criminal prosecutions following damage to bus and Metrolink networks be circulated to the Committee by GMP;


  1. That figures on the number of drug drivers tested that resulted in 150 positive drivers be fed back to the Committee by GMP;


  1. That, following the current trials taking place on e-scooters, a paper outlining the outcomes be brought to a future meeting of the Committee for consideration;


  1. That member concerns regarding the removal of ‘A Frames’ on cycle paths be noted;


  1. That the committee requests updates from the TravelSafe Partnership be moved from yearly to every six months; and


  1. That e-scooter safety messages be added to the TravelSafe Partnership’s educational engagement programme with schools.


Bus Reform and Greater Manchester's Bus Service Improvement Plan pdf icon PDF 613 KB

Report of Eamonn Boylan, Chief Executive, GMCA and TfGM.

Additional documents:


  1. That the current position in respect to Bus Franchising in Greater Manchester be noted by the Committee;


  1. That the Committee endorses the level of ambition and proposals being put forward as part of Greater Manchester’s Bus Service Improvement Plan which will be presented to GMCA on 29th October 2021 and submitted to government shortly thereafter; and


  1. That the chief executives in each GM local authority be asked to circulate the report to all their councillors together with a covering note from Eamonn Boylan.


Road Safety Update pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of Peter Boulton, Head of Highways, TfGM.

Additional documents:


  1. That the contents of the Road Safety Update be noted by the Committee; and


  1. That information pertaining to successful road safety schemes throughout the totality of Greater Manchester be shared with all local authorities via the Road Safety Partnership.


Destination Bee Network: Developing an Integrated Transport Network for Greater Manchester: Customer Experience, Inclusion and Equalities and Social Value pdf icon PDF 440 KB

Report of Eamonn Boylan, Chief Executive Officer, GMCA & TfGM

Additional documents:


  1. That the Committee notes the approach outlined to public engagement, customer experience and social value activities; and


  1. That the Committee notes the recommendations made by the Centre of Local Economic Strategies (CLES) on how Transport for Greater Manchester can further embed delivery of social value.


GM Transport Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 380 KB

Report of Gwynne Williams, Deputy Monitoring Officer, GMCA.

Additional documents:


That the Committee’s Work Programme be noted.


Dates and Times of Future Meetings

To consider future meeting dates for the Committee.



Additional documents:


That the Committee notes that it next meet on 10th December 2021.




That the programme of future meetings be noted.