Venue: Mechanics Institute, 103 Princess Street, Manchester M1 6DD
Contact: Kerry Bond, Senior Governance & Scrutiny Officer Email:
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies Additional documents: Decision: Resolved/- Apologies for absence were received and noted from Councillors Robert Morrisey (Bolton sub), Arnold Saunders (Salford sub), David Meller (Stockport sub), Hugh Roderick (Tameside sub).
Apologies were also received and noted from Tom Ross (Portfolio Leader), Caroline Simpson (Portfolio Chief Executive), Steve Wilson (GMCA), Lindsey Keech (GMCA).
Appointment of Chair To nominate a Chair to the GM Waste and Recycling Committee for the forthcoming municipal year for recommendation to the GM Combined Authority. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved/-
Agreed to nominate Councillor Alan Quinn as Chair of the Greater Manchester Waste and Recycling Committee for 2024/25 for approval by the GMCA. |
Membership of the GM Waste & Recycling Committee 2024/25 To note the membership of the Committee for 2024/5 appointed at the GMCA meeting held on 14 June 2024:
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved/- To note the membership of the GM Waste & Recycling Committee for the 2024/25 municipal year.
Appointment to the Green City Region Partnership To appoint a member of the GM Waste & Recycling Committee Member to the Greater Manchester Green City Region Partnership for 2024/5. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved/- To appoint Councillor Steve Adshead to the Green City Region Board for the 2024/25 municipal year.
Members Code of Conduct Report of Gillian Duckworth, GMCA Solicitor & Monitoring Officer attached. Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved/-
That the
GMCA’s Member Code of Conduct at Appendix A of the
To agree to
complete and return the annual register of interest form at |
Report of Gillian Duckworth, GMCA Solicitor & Monitoring Officer attached.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved/- That the Terms of Reference at appendix 1 of the report be noted. |
Committee Work Programme Report of David Taylor, Executive Director, GMCA Waste and Resources attached. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved/- That the Committee Work Programme for 2024/25 be agreed.
2024/25 Programme of Meetings To agree the following programme of meetings for the Committee for 2024/5:
· Wednesday, 16 October 2024, 10am-12noon · Wednesday 22 January 2025, 10am-12noon · Wednesday 12 March 2025, 10am-12noon Additional documents: Decision: Resolved/- That the programme of meetings for 2024/25 be noted.
Chairs Announcement and Urgent Business Additional documents: Decision:
There were no Chairs announcements or items of urgent business |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved/- There were no Declarations of Interest reported.
Greater Manchester Waste & Recycling Committee Minutes - 13 March 2024 To consider the approval of the minute of the meetings held on 13 March 2024. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved/- That the minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2024 be approved as a correct record.
Report of Justin Lomax, Head of Contract Services & Paul Morgan, Head of Commercial Services, GMCA Waste and Resources Team attached. Additional documents: Decision: That the report be noted.
Communications & Engagement Behavioural Change Plan 2024/25 Report and presentation of Michelle Whitfield, Head of Communications & Behavioural Change, GMCA Waste and Resources Team attached. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved/- That the Communications & Engagement Plan and the progress updates be noted. |
Waste Strategy and Policy Update Report of Paul Morgan, Head of Commercial Services, GMCA Waste and Resources Team attached. Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the update provided on strategic and policy matters be noted. 2. That any district seeking to continue to collect residual waste on a three weekly basis obtain their own legal advice as part of formulating their rationale for departing from any statutory guidance on the subject be agreed. 3. That officers, on behalf of the committee, write to Defra, the Secretary of State and the Local Government Association to request that statutory guidance on the frequency of residual waste collection is reconsidered giving local authorities the flexibility to determine their own waste collection frequencies be agreed. |
GMCA Waste and Resources Budget Outturn 2023/24 Report of Steve Wilson, GMCA Treasurer attached.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved/-
That the report be noted.
Sustainable Consumption and Production: Avoidable Single-Use Plastics Report of Michelle Lynch, Sustainable Consumption and Production Lead Programme Manager, GMCA Environment Directorate attached. Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved/-
1. That the progress of the key areas of activities currently being undertaken as part of the Single-Use Plastic Work Programme be noted. 2. That officers include the request for resource and support from government on single use plastics in their letter to the secretary of state. 3. That the single use plastic e-learning module be shared with members of the committee and members of the GM Green City Region Partnership be agreed. 4. That a letter be sent to the Secretary of State for Education and the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on behalf of the committee requesting the promotion and dissemination of national government direction, good practise and initiatives on single use plastics to schools going forwards be agreed.
2024-25 Capital Programme and Asset Management Update Report of Michael Kelly, Head of Engineering and Asset Management, GMCA Waste and Resources Team attached.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved/- That the report be noted. |
Changes to MRF Recycling Sampling Requirements Report of Paul Morgan, Head of Commercial Services, GMCA Waste and Resources Team attached. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved/- 1. That the changes to the sampling of recycling required by the change and expansion in regulatory requirements be noted. 2. That the proposals provided by Suez for compliance with the Regulations and the verbal update given be noted.
Exclusion of the Press and Public That, under section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public should be excluded from the meeting for the following items on business on the grounds that this involved the likely disclosure of exempt information, as set out in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information. Additional documents: Decision: |
Contracts Update Report of Justin Lomax, Head of Contract Services, GMCA Waste and Resources Team attached. Decision: Resolved/-
That the contract updates and key risks detailed in the report be noted.
Clerk’s Note: This item was considered in support of the report considered in Part A of the agenda (Item 13 above refers). |