Agenda and decisions

Bee Network Committee - Thursday, 30th January, 2025 2.00 pm

Venue: The Tootal Buildings - Broadhurst House , 1st Floor, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 6EU. View directions

Contact: Ninoshka Martins  Email:


No. Item



Additional documents:


Apologies were received and noted from Mayor Andy Burnham, Councillor Hamid Khurram (Bolton), Councillor Josh Charters (Oldham), Councillor Howard Sykes (Oldham), Councillor Phil Burke (Rochdale) & Councillor Stephen Homer (Tameside).


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer 48 hours in advance of the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were none.


Chair's announcements and Urgent Business

Additional documents:



1.  That the update received on the pay deal and associated industrial relations be noted.

2.  That the update received on the successful launch of Tranche 3 of bus franchising be noted.

3.  That members acknowledged the hard work of TfGM staff in ensuring a successful launch of Tranche 3 despite the inclement weather around the launch date.

4.  That the update received on Metrolink renewal works commencing in early 2025 be noted.

5.  That the update received on the GM response to the Street Works Consultation be noted.

6.  That the update on the Secretary of State for Transport’s visit to Greater Manchester be received.

7.  That thanks were expressed to all agencies who worked together to manage flooding issues at Platt Bridge.

8.  That the update on the government’s support for the GM Clean Air Plan be received.



Minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 2025 pdf icon PDF 158 KB

To consider the approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 2024.

Additional documents:



GM Rail Reform and Devolution - The Vision and Delivery Programme for Rail in Greater Manchester pdf icon PDF 504 KB

A report of Steve Warrener, Managing Director, TfGM, to be presented by Simon Elliott, TfGM Head of Rail.

Additional documents:



1.   That the contents of the paper be noted.

2.   That endorsement be given to the development of a robust, evidence-based GM Rail Vision and programme for the future of rail across Greater Manchester in conjunction with GM Local Authorities;

3.   That endorsement be given to the ambition and tranche-based approach to the integration of the 8 priority rail corridors in to the Bee Network Rail by 2028;

4.   That endorsement be given to the development of an Outline Business Case for Rail Reform, to assess and develop a preferred way forward for meeting the objectives set out in this paper, and identify the legislative and funding reforms, required to deliver GM’s growth agenda;

5.   That endorsement be given to the proactive engagement with Government in relation to the English Devolution and Rail Reform Bills, with particular regard to finalising the statutory role for the Combined Authority in the specification of services, fares and customer standards;

6.   That endorsement be given to the development of further work to unlock the benefits of the Old Trafford Regeneration scheme through the relocation of the freight terminal at Trafford Depot; and

7.   That endorsement be given to the development of the Spending Review submission, working with Government, to ensure the opportunities set out in this report are prioritised and delivered.

8.   That concerns around access issues at stations such as Hattersley would be taken away and addressed appropriately.

9.   That thanks be expressed to Nathanial Yates for his contributions to TfGM in working towards full accessibility at all rail stations.

10.  That future updates on rail reform also include progress around the unlocking of land for homes.



Active Travel Mission Annual Report pdf icon PDF 476 KB

A report to be presented by Dame Sarah Storey, Active Travel Commissioner.

Additional documents:


1.  That approval be given to the Greater Manchester Annual Active Travel Report.

2.  That the Commissioner’s Mission Priorities as laid out in this report and in the Greater Manchester Annual Active Travel Report be endorsed.

3.  That TfGM signage templates be made available to local authorities.

4.  That updates will be brought on the funding pipeline as appropriate.

5.    That Committee Members seek to ask their own highway authorities, in conjunction with TfGM, to undertake an analysis of pavement qualities, making cases for investment where required.


Metrolink 2027 pdf icon PDF 571 KB

A report of Danny Vaughan, Chief Network Officer, TfGM.

Additional documents:


1.    That endorsement be given to the procurement of a Metrolink franchise agreement with adjusted scope from the current Metrolink Operations and Maintenance Agreement, to commence from July 2027 when the current Agreement expires.

2.    That it be noted that the intention for TfGM to deliver a number of customer experience elements of the current Agreement from mid-2027, to increase TfGM’s control and oversight over service delivery and asset management through the new Agreement;

3.    That the potential for a unified GM transport operation in the 2030’s be noted;

4.    That it be noted that, subject to feedback, procurement of the successor Franchise arrangements will commence; and

5.    That it be noted that a further report will be brought to BNC and GMCA before the award of any contract which is anticipated in the second half of 2026.


Transport Infrastructure Pipeline pdf icon PDF 428 KB

A report to be presented by Chris Barnes, Network Director Infrastructure, TfGM.

Additional documents:



1.      That the current position, recent progress and key milestones on the transport infrastructure pipeline be noted.

2.      That the drawdown of CRSTS funding and associated scheme progression be approved as follows:

·       Manchester: Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: £0.89m and Full Business Case; 

·       City Centre Bus and Streets for All Connectivity Programme: £2.786m; 

·       Integrated Measures: Account Based Ticketing: £4.2m and Full Business Case;

·       Integrated Measures: Travel Information (Passenger Information Displays and Printed Information): £0.67m;


3.      That the Metrolink Renewals Programme:

·        Approve the drawdown of £1.0m of CRSTS funding for Whitefield Tunnel Renewals; and

·        Note the release of £1.55m from existing capital budgets for the infrastructure drainage repairs.

4.      That subject to DfT approval and GMCA approval of the allocation of CRSTS1 funding at the meeting to be held on 31 January 2025, approve the associated drawdown of funding to enable a number of time-critical priorities to be advanced as follows:

·        Acquisition of the existing GM Bus Shelter estate and related activity to develop a renewal programme for the estate: up to £15m;

·        Rochdale: Castleton Phase 2 Active Travel scheme: up to £12.66m; and

·        Capital & revenue switch applied to the revenue budget for Bus Franchising IS and Ticketing System Assets: up to £15m.

5.      That it be noted that the allocation of funding to support the Bee Network Rail Integration Programme, was subject to DfT approval and GMCA approval at the meeting to be held on 31 January 2025 and as follows;

   Bee Network Rail Integration and Accessibility: up to £34m of CRSTS1 funding; and

   Bee Network Rail Integration Programme; estimated at £80m of CRSTS2 funding.




Bee Network Annual Products (Annual Products & Credit Union) pdf icon PDF 181 KB

A report to be presented by Fran Wilkinson, Customer & Growth Director, TfGM.

Additional documents:



1.  That the updated introduction of a suite of Annual Multi Modal Tickets, from March 2025 be endorsed.

2.  That the addition of these Annual Multi Modal Tickets to the TfGM scheme with local Credit Unions, from March 2025, to improve access to affordable annual products be endorsed.

3.  That the addition of the existing Annual Tram Tickets to the TfGM scheme with local Credit Unions, from March 2025, to improve access to affordable annual products be endorsed.



Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Thursday 27th February 2025.

Additional documents:


That the next meeting of the Committee will be held on Thursday 27th February 2025.