Agenda item

GMCA Transport Revenue Budget 2020/21 & Better Buses Fund (Key Decisions)

5C (i)    Better Deal for Bus Users (Urgent Business)


Report of Andy Burnham, GM Mayor.





1.                  That the issues affecting the 2020/21 transport budgets, as detailed in the report, be noted.


2.                  That the GMCA budget relating to transport functions funded through the levy, as set out in this report, for 2020/21, be approved.


3.                  That a Transport Levy on the district councils in 2020/21 of £105.773 million, as set on in paragraphs 3.2 – 3.5 of the report, apportioned on the basis of mid-year population as at June 2018, be approved.


4.                  That a Statutory Charge of £86.7 million, as set out in Part 4 of the GMCA (Functions and Amendment) Order 2019, apportioned on the basis of mid-year population as at June 2018, be approved.


5.                  That the use of reserves in 2020/21, as detailed in section 5, be approved.


6.                  That the position on reserves, as identified in the report, be approved.


7.                  That the proposal to drawdown £10 million of funding from retained Business Rates to fund the ongoing development of schemes and the Greater Manchester Infrastructure Programme, subject to the preparation and approval of a business case, be noted.


8.                  That it be noted that the report to GMCA on 7 October 2019 set out and explained the recommendation to the GMCA to approve proceeding to the next stage in the consideration of a proposed franchising scheme, following on from the work undertaken in connection with bus reform; and included a full assessment of how the GMCA could afford to make and operate the proposed scheme.


9.                  That it be noted that it was anticipated that the £17.8 million of contributions by Local Authorities as a proposed one off increase in the statutory contribution in 2020/21 referred to in section 4.4, would be held (in aggregate) by Local Authorities pending a decision by the GM Mayor as to whether to introduce bus franchising.


10.              That the proposal to extend the Women’s Concessionary Travel Scheme (WCTS) to a further cohort of women in Greater Manchester from 1 April 2020 be approved, noting that the estimated costs of c£300,000 are included in TfGM’s 2020/21 budgets.


11.              That the delegation of decisions required to ensure the delivery of the extension of the WCTS be approved, including any updates required to the Local Concessionary Travel Scheme. The delegation to the Chief Executive Officer, GMCA & TfGM and the TfGM Director of Finance and Corporate Services, in consultation with the GMCA Treasurer. 


5C(ii).   BETTER BUSES FUND (urgent business) (KEY dECISION)


1.                  That Greater Manchester’s intention to submit a statement of intent to DfT for £1.589,489 for supported bus services be approved.


2.                  That authority be delegated for the approval of the Greater Manchester approach, bidding criteria and submission of Statement of Intent to DfT by 13 March, to the Chief Executive Officer, GMCA and TfGM, in consultation with the GM Mayor, Portfolio Lead for Investment & Resources and Chair of the Greater Manchester Transport Committee (GMTC).


3.                  That it be noted that a further report would be submitted to a future GMCA meeting on other opportunities for Greater Manchester to apply for funding as part of the Better Deal for Bus Users programme.


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