Agenda item

England's Resource and Waste Strategy Update

Report of Sarah Mellor, Head of Sustainable Consumption and Production, Environment Team.


Sarah Mellor, Head of Sustainable Consumption & Production GMCA took the Committee through a report which provided an update on recent Government consultations that relate to England’s Resource and Waste Strategy.


Three inter-related policies had been recently published, including the Waste Prevention Programme, the Deposit Return Scheme and the Extended Producer Responsibility guidelines, however the outcomes of the Consistency Collections Consultation were still awaited.


Work was already underway with Local Authorities to determine Greater Manchester’s forward position but the outcomes of the Consistency Collections Consultation were really important to determine future modelling. 


Members reiterated their concerns regarding separate food waste collections in relation to the number of additional bins being required and other factors.  It was reported that Government believed that separate collections would indicate a better standard of return, however any statutory guidance would be best practice and the implementation of such collections would be a local decision.  In preparation, officers were undertaking relevant modelling to ensure that Greater Manchester’s full quota of funding could be received so that there would be no additional cost to Local Authorities.


In relation to mandated fortnightly residual waste collections, Members were concerned that this would reduce recycling rates and have significant cost implications.  Furthermore, three weekly collections were well established in many areas of Greater Manchester so this would potentially cause unnecessary confusion for residents.  However, it was noted that collections, bin sizes and bin colours were not standard across GM and therefore it would be difficult in the current contractual arrangements to meet Government demands to standardise at this point.


Members felt that these were progressive documents and showed that Europe was forward thinking in relation to the recycling agenda, however they had to work for Greater Manchester and therefore needed to be agile where required.  GM had well established collection patterns and could share its good practice with other areas, however, should also not be quick to introduce changes that would not be for the good of its residents.


The deposit return scheme was generally welcomed by Members, however it was questioned as to whether there would be any financial benefit for Greater Manchester from such a scheme.  Officers reported that the financial model had been designed to be cost neutral at no further cost to GM, however there were various options for dealing with the waste that had to be taken out as it was not a 100% catcher scheme.  Further details were to be considered and would be included in Greater Manchester’s response to the consultation.




1.    That the approach to responding to the second round of consultations on England’s Resource and Waste Strategy be approved.


2.    That the principles set out in the Waste Prevention, Extended Producer Responsibility and Deposit Return Scheme consultations be noted and authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Waste in consultation with the Chair of the Waste and Recycling Committee to approve the responses to the consultations which are required to be submitted in June 2021


3.    That authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Waste in consultation with the Chair of the Waste and Recycling Committee to approve the response to the Consistent Collections consultation should this be issued prior to the next Waste and Recycling Committee meeting.


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