Contact details

Greater Manchester Economy, Business Growth and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Mat Ainsworth (Officer (Part A only))

(Address not supplied)

Councillor Bev Craig (Officer (Full Permission))

(Address not supplied)

Gillian Doyle (Officer (Full Permission))

(Address not supplied)

Michaela Jones (Officer (Part A only))

(Address not supplied)

Janet Rowley (Officer (Part A only))

(Address not supplied)

Steve Rumbelow (Officer (Full Permission))

(Address not supplied)

Julie Speakman (Officer (Part A only))

(Address not supplied)

Tom Stannard (Officer (Part A only))

(Address not supplied)

John Steward (Officer (Part A only))

(Address not supplied)

Tom Sutcliffe (Officer (Part A only))

(Address not supplied)

Phil Swan (Officer (Part A only))

(Address not supplied)

Jonathan Vali (Officer (Part A only))

(Address not supplied)

Rita Welsh (Officer (Part A only))

(Address not supplied)