Contact details

Greater Manchester Housing Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Gillian Doyle (Officer (Full Permission))

(Address not supplied)

Councillor Mandie Shilton Godwin (Committee Member)

C.O. Manchester City Council
Town Hall Extension,
Mount Street
M2 5DB

Download Councillor Mandie Shilton Godwin contact details as VCard

Download Councillor Mandie Shilton Godwin contact details as a CSV file

Robert Landon (Officer (Part A only))

(Address not supplied)

Angela Burdekin (Officer (Part A only))

(Address not supplied)

Colm O'Brien (Officer (Part A only))

(Address not supplied)

Liz Holland (Officer (Full Permission))

(Address not supplied)

Steve Wilson (Officer (Part A only))

(Address not supplied)

Ninoshka Martins (Secretary)

(Address not supplied)