Biodiversity Net Gain Offsetting
- That the proposal for
the GMCA to be named as the provisional responsible authority for
developing a Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Greater Manchester,
be approved.
- That the work that
has been delivered by GMCA to date to ensure Greater Manchester is
prepared for mandatory BNG, be noted.
- That the delivery of
the Greater Manchester BNG `Need and Supply Assessment’ by GM
Ecology Unit be supported.
- That the pursuit of a
range of offsetting options for Greater Manchester be supported and
that GMCA works with key stakeholders, including landowners and
developers, to continue to develop this understanding.
- That the development
of a Greater Manchester market for BNG Units including the work
that is being delivered by the GM Environment Fund be
- That the development
of a policy position on biodiversity offsetting as part of the
scope of the forthcoming Greater Manchester Local Nature Recovery
Strategy be supported.
- That authority be
delegated to the Portfolio Lead Chief Executive, Green City Region,
to prepare and submit a response to the Government BNG consultation
in line with the ambitions/issues raised in this paper.