Issue - decisions

GMCA Provisional Revenue Outturn 2021/22

28/06/2022 - GMCA Provisional Revenue Outturn 2021/22

1.            That it be noted that the Mayoral General Budget provisional revenue outturn position for 2021/22 was breakeven after transfer to earmarked reserves.


2.            That it be noted that the GMCA General Budget provisional revenue outturn position for 2021/22 was breakeven after transfer to earmarked reserves.


3.            That it be noted that the Mayoral General – GM Fire & Rescue provisional revenue outturn position for 2021/22 was £1.970 million underspend after transfer to earmarked reserves which was planned to be transferred to the Fire & Rescue Capital Programme Reserve.


4.            That it be noted that the Waste and Resourcing provisional revenue outturn position for 2021/22 was breakeven after transfers from earmarked reserves and agreed return of levy and reserves to Districts.


5.            That it be noted that the GMCA Transport provisional revenue outturn position for 2021/22 was underspend of £11.9 million which was planned to be transferred to Transport Capital Programme Reserve.


6.            That it be noted that TfGM provisional revenue outturn position for 2021/22 was breakeven.


7.            That it be noted that the Government has extended the statutory deadline for the publication of the 2021/22 draft accounts by two months to 31st July 2022.


8.            That it be noted that the final position was subject to the submission of the audited accounts to be finalised by 30 November 2022 and to be reported to the GMCA Audit Committee prior to the deadline.