Issue - decisions

Programme Challenger funding

08/08/2022 - Programme Challenger funding

A total of £150,208 of the total Programme Challenger budget is allocated as follows:

£49,000 – Modern slavery and human trafficking data and information contract, to be delivered by Trilateral Research working with the University of Manchester. This programme of work will build the knowledge base of the wider partnership in Greater Manchester to inform prevention, disruption and safeguarding activity. The total annual contract cost is £54,670. £5,670 will be funded out of the Deputy Mayor’s Investment Fund. This was awarded through a competitive tender process in May 2021.

£20,000 – Development of a Partnership Intelligence Portal to enable intelligence collection plans developed through FIB Intelligence Teams linked to SOC and exploitation to be communicated to a wide partnership audience and received in for development. Commissioning will be undertaken by GMP, utilising existing IT providers to ensure compatibility with their back office systems. (carry forward from 2021/22 – changes to GMP IT systems and Intelligence function delayed implementation).

£15,000 – To target OCG hot spots and support place based interventions in Manchester and Salford (based on their ongoing status as the two Districts in Greater Manchester with the most significant SOC threat). This has been repeat funding since 2018 to Manchester City Council and Salford City Council to support targeted activity undertaken to tackle the local SOC threat. Commissioning is undertaken locally in consultation with Programme Challenger.

£10,000 – To conduct an expression of interest process, supported by the Police and Crime Procurement Business Partner, to engage an existing member organisation of the Anti-Slavery NGO Forum to administer, support and develop the forum. This was conducted previously by Stop the Traffik and it is important that ownership of the forum remains in the voluntary and community sector. This amount is carry forward from 2021/22 spend.

£30,000 – Commissioning of a new phase of the Trapped campaign, raising awareness of criminal exploitation across Greater Manchester. Commissioning will be undertaken through the Challenger Comms lead at GMCA, supported by Challenegr leads and partners. £21,341 of this amount is carry forward form 2021/22 spend.

£2,808 – To commission Carbon to design the refreshed Greater Manchester Serious and Organised Crime Strategy 2022-2025 and Plan on a page, via a single quote process.

£5,000 – Contribution to University of Manchester Department of Criminology to complete an applied research project across Greater Manchester to map pathways for cuckooing victims across law enforcement, housing and adult social services functions. This is supplementing an award of £15,000 made to the department through an internal bidding process and enables the project to be delivered across all ten Greater Manchester Boroughs. The project will be completed between May 2022 and December 2022.

£3,500 – To commission Research in Practice to deliver a developmental workshop for Challenger/complex safeguarding district teams to support professional development and enable improved application of joint working practices across functions to tackle offending and safeguard potential victims. The workshop will be delivered in July 2022.

£10,000 – Contribution to the Magpie partnership (tackling counterfeit goods in Cheetham Hill) to enable the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) to commission and deliver a communication strategy targeting the area and associated criminality/concerns. This will supplement the £80,000 being allocated by the IPO.

£4,900 – Match funding to provide Survivor Care Bags to potential victims of modern slavery identified by the Modern Slavery Coordination Unit. Product donations and financial contributions are being requested from the Modern Slavery Business Network to provide 50 bags, and Programme Challenger will match fund all contributions up to a total cost of £4,900.