Issue - decisions

ndemnity for LQC’s as Chair of Police Misconduct Hearings and Independent Panel Members.

08/08/2022 - ndemnity for LQC’s as Chair of Police Misconduct Hearings and Independent Panel Members.

To provide indemnity to Legally Qualified Chairs and Independent Panel Members of Police Misconduct Hearings arranged thus far for 2022/23 in accordance with the wording negotiated by APCC, APACE, and the National Association of LQCs as follows: -
In respect of the case of ....... which is to be held on ………. Greater
Manchester Combined Authority (the legal entity in which the property,
rights and liabilities of Police and Crime Commissioner for the Greater
Manchester Area are vested) agrees to indemnify you as the Legally
Qualified Chair/ Independent Panel Member in respect of any liabilities arising (including reasonable costs in connection with responding to legal proceedings) for anything done or omitted to be done by you in the discharge of your functions unless, having received representations or submissions by or on your behalf, you are proved in a court of law or other tribunal with appropriate jurisdiction to have acted in bad faith. Furthermore, in the event of your being held to have any liability for anything done or omitted to be done by another member of the Panel of which you are part, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority agrees to indemnify you in full in respect of any such liability.