Issue - decisions

PCC DN - YCTCS Ltd – to provide support for GM Youth Justice Transformation Programme and development of Home Office Perpetrator Bid

27/02/2023 - PCC DN - YCTCS Ltd – to provide support for GM Youth Justice Transformation Programme and development of Home Office Perpetrator Bid

A maximum envelope of £5,000 will be allocated to YCTCS Ltd for 22/23 to deliver:

• Attendance the Youth Justice event on 26th January and keynote presentation with a focus on inter-familial / generational trauma. This includes a charge for 3 hours attendance at the event (3 hours), as well as presentation preparation time and travel / accommodation.
• Independent advice for the review of the Youth Justice Transformation Action Plan.
• Contribute to the development of the Home Office Perpetrator bid with a particular focus on supporting the strand focused on effective evaluation for interventions for children and young people which will be submitted by 17th February.

Fees are charged at £900 per day or pro-rata at £129 per hour (plus expenses and VAT) and invoices will be submitted for all aspects of the work with a breakdown of associated costs included in the invoice.