Issue - decisions

Greater Manchester Combined Authority Mayoral Police and Crime Commissioner Precept 2023/24 Police Fund 2023/24 Revenue Budget Police Fund 2023/24 Capital Budget

01/03/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority Mayoral Police and Crime Commissioner Precept 2023/24 Police Fund 2023/24 Revenue Budget Police Fund 2023/24 Capital Budget

• The 2023/24 Mayoral Police and Crime Commissioner precept is set at £243.30 for a Band D property.
• Issues an appropriate overall precept requirement of £192,957,408 on the ten billing authorities in the Greater Manchester area, to be incorporated as part of the Council Tax for the purposes of Police and Crime for the financial year beginning 1 April 2023 and ending 31 March 2024 (Appendix 1).
• The 2023/24 Police Fund revenue budget of £742.088m is approved.
• The 2023/24 Police Fund capital budget of £37.474m is approved.
• Note that the borrowing requirement is £35.101m for 2023/24.