Issue - decisions

Homelessness Capital Projects

27/03/2023 - Homelessness Capital Projects (key Decision)

1.      That the allocation of £8.9million to GM Local Authorities under the Homeless Families Leasing Scheme for the purpose of leasing temporary accommodation, as described in Table 2, be approved.


2.      That approval be given to the following approaches to bidding for the Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (“SHAP”):


Adults: Proceed on the basis that a GM-wide bid for this cohort is not viable and work with eligible local authorities to understand if there is a gap to which a GMCA bid would add value.

Young People: Work with an investor and Registered Provider of Social Housing to draw up a shared accommodation model with a provider specialising in supporting young people;


3.      That the allocations to GM Local Authorities and ongoing work to progress the Local Authority Housing Fund (“LAHF”) be noted.


4.      That the challenges on the Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme (“RSAP”) and potential to change the model to deliver the most outcomes for the cohort be noted.


5.     That it be noted that the report was exempt from Scrutiny Committee call-in procedures to enable the execution of grant agreements with Local Authorities and allocation of the funds before the 31 March 2023.


6.     That it be acknowledged and noted that page 7 of the report contains an error referencing the March 2023 meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee as having been cancelled.