Issue - decisions

Retained Business Rates Update

27/03/2023 - Retained Business Rates Update (key Decision)

1.      That the forecast, as at the end of quarter 3, for 2022/23 business rates income including the 75:25 split between districts and GM investment be noted.


2.      That the planned income for 2023/24 be noted.


3.      That the proposed 2023/24 GM use of the 2022/23 business rates income (set at 25% of total benefit) be approved.


4.      That the proposal to bring back any further in-year commitments should the year end income exceed that forecast at quarter 3 be approved.


5.      That the position in respect of the devolution trailblazer deal for Greater Manchester be noted.


6.      That the comments of the GM Overview & Scrutiny Committee as fed back by Chair Councillor John Walsh be received and noted.