Issue - decisions

DLUHC In-Year Capital Investments

27/03/2023 - In Year Capital Allocation, Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (key Decision)

1.      That the proposed investments from the £20m DLUHC allocation and delegation of final sign off to the GMCA Treasurer be approved.


2.      That it be noted that the report was exempt from Scrutiny Committee call-in procedures to enable the allocation of the funds before the 31 March 2023.


3.       That approval be given to the purchase of the land required for the E-Depot for a consideration of £10.5m. This will be funded from the £7.5m grant allocation together with borrowing of £3m which will be funded as part of the overall bus reform business case.


4.       That the changes to the GMCA capital programme to reflect the above decisions be approved.